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词汇 极强
例句 The drug is extremely potent, but causes unpleasant side effects.这种药药效极强,但会产生不良的副作用。Nature had endowed her with exceptional vitality.大自然赋予了她极强的生命力。Her grasp of the issues was impressive.她对这些问题的领悟能力极强It's a highly contagious virus.这是一种传染性极强的病毒。The rifle has a powerful kick.步枪击发时有极强的后坐力。He is a demon organizer.他组织能力极强He had a very possessive mother.他有一位占有欲极强的母亲。The report, from a major policy research unit, was so damning it was never published.这份报告由一个重要政策研究机构编写,谴责语气极强,因此从未发表。Scorpios have a wonderfully natural business sense.天蝎座的人天生有极强的商业头脑。She has a voracious appetite for knowledge.她求知欲极强Television is an enormously competitive business.电视业是一个竞争性极强的行业。The sense of space is overwhelming.空间感极强The neighbor's dog is extremely territorial and barks if you come close to the yard.邻居家的狗有极强的地盘性,如果你靠近院子,它就会朝你狂吠。He has an overpowering personality.他有着极强的个性。You need to have a very strong stomach to watch some of the surgery scenes.要观看某些外科手术场面,你需要有极强的忍耐力。He is a man of iron self-control.他是一个有极强的自制能力的人。She has great powers of concentration for a child her age.就她这个年龄的孩子而言,她的专注力极强She has a passionate interest in animal rights.她对于动物权益怀有极强的兴趣。Her latest novel is eminently readable.她最新创作的小说可读性极强There is much disaffection among the ranks of the party.该党成员中存在着极强的不满情绪。She has an uncanny sense of direction.她的方向感极强Her husband's a control freak - he won't let her leave the house without him.她丈夫是个控制欲极强的人—没有自己陪着就不让她出家门。Copper is a very conductive metal.铜是一种传导性极强的金属。She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.她相当顽固,宗教观念极强She has shown great resilience to stress.她表现出了极强的抗压能力。Sharks are extremely territorial and antagonistic towards their own kind.鲨鱼地盘性极强,会敌视自己的同类。His excellent sense of direction was useful during our travels.我们旅行期间,他极强的方向感派上了用场。Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.将其与其他化合物结合,就制造出杀伤力极强的硝酸甘油炸弹。Our new computer software is extremely flexible.我们新的计算机软件适应性极强Clay is a very plastic material.黏土是一种可塑性极强的材料。It's difficult to be part of a highly organized group such as the armed forces without losing some of your individuality.要使自己融入到军队等组织性极强的团体中去,同时又不失去自己的一些个性是很难的。She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.她有极强的求知欲。The troops showed great esprit de corps.这支部队表现出了极强的团队精神。




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