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词汇 encyclopedia
例句 I was looking up the entry for the French President in the encyclopedia.我正在百科全书里查法国总统这一条目。An encyclopedia is a well of knowledge.百科全书是知识的源泉。That encyclopedia is in twenty volumes.那套百科全书有二十卷。They have brought out an abridged edition of the encyclopedia.他们出版了百科全书的简缩本。They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month.下个月他们将出一部了不起的新百科全书。The new encyclopedia runs to several thousand pages.这部新的百科全书厚达几千页。The encyclopedia is an excellent all-around resource.百科全书是一种极好的综合性信息来源。He followed out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know.他在百科全书内根据索引查遍了所有的有关条目,最终找到了他想要知道的内容。This is the second impression of the encyclopedia.这是这部百科全书的第二次印刷。I looked the Civil War up in my encyclopedia.我在我的百科全书里查了美国内战。They've updated a lot of the entries in the most recent edition of the encyclopedia.在最新版百科全书中他们更新了很多条目。The article on alligators in the encyclopedia cross-references to the entry on crocodiles.百科全书中短吻鳄词条有参见鳄鱼词条的注释。The encyclopedia will shortly be out in a revised edition.这部百科全书即将出修订版。He is a walking encyclopedia/dictionary. 他就是部活百科全书/字典。Why did you put the volumes of the encyclopedia in haphazard order?你为何把这套百科全书放得杂乱无章? The encyclopedia is now available on CD-ROM.这套百科全书的光盘现已上市。This is the CD-ROM edition of the encyclopedia.这是百科全书的光盘版。The new encyclopedia is full of color illustrations and photographs.新的百科全书里有很多彩色插图和照片。The CD-ROM encyclopedia is a good value because the printed encyclopedia set sells for twice as much.光盘版百科全书很划算,因为印刷的百科全书价格要翻倍。




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