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例句 She felt dismay over the scene that had just been enacted.她对刚才出现的情况感到惊慌。The bill would be submitted for public discussion before being enacted as law.该法案在获得通过成为法律前,将提请公众讨论。Both opposition parties are criticizing the four-day working week as an empty promise that will never be enacted.两个反对党都在批评每周工作四天是一个永远不会实现的空头承诺。Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.警察重现了犯罪的经过,目的是让目击证人主动站出来。The battle was re-enacted by actors in period costume.演员们穿着体现那个时期特点的服装,把那场战役重现出来。Many states have enacted battered-child laws.许多州已经制定了保护受虐儿童的法律。They enacted the roles of hero and heroine in the play.他们在这出戏中担任男、女主角。At the church, children re-enacted the Christmas story.孩子们在教堂里重演基督降生的故事。The stories are enacted using music, dance and mime.这些故事利用音乐、舞蹈和哑剧的形式在舞台上被再现出来。Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.几项法案在这届国会的会议结束时被颁布。The boys re-enacted the strategies in mock battles.男孩们在模拟战中重现了那些战略。The law was finally enacted today.这部法律终于在今天通过了。He re-enacted scenes from his TV series.他再次表演了他在连续剧中的情节。She often enacted the stories told to her by her father.她经常将父亲讲给她的故事表演出来。The law is very explicit about how these measures should be enacted.关于这些措施应如何实施,这一法律有明确的表述。A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.将对这个国家实行一系列的经济制裁。Laws enacted in the past ten years have gradually taken away workers’ rights.过去十年里制定的法律已逐渐剥夺了工人的权利。The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices.政府通过了几项法律,保护妇女使她们在就业过程中免受歧视。Japan's government has enacted various banking reforms.日本政府已经颁布了很多关于银行改革的法令。




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