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词汇 emotion
例句 She stared at him, overcome by emotion.她瞪着他,情绪异常激动。His voice was utterly drained of emotion.他的声音再没有任何感情。He displayed no emotion when I told him the news.我告诉他那则消息的时候,他没有显露出任何表情。She swallowed back a tide of emotion.她强忍住了自己的激动情绪。Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.她的声音低沉,因激动而有些颤抖。The defendant showed/displayed no emotion when the verdict was read.当宣读裁定书时,被告脸上毫无表情。He conducts the choir with great skill and emotion.他指挥合唱时技巧高超且感情充沛。The film captures the real emotion of this terrible event.电影抓住了这一恐怖事件造成的真实情感。Any show of emotion would be construed as a weakness.任何感情的流露都被视为软弱的表现。She felt weak with emotion at the sight of him.看到他,她激动得瘫软下来。He searched her face, hoping to see some glimmer of emotion.他仔细地看着她的脸,希望能看到一丝情感。Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.基本上他们得到的第一个教训就是如何将情感和理智分开。His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, not reason.他对局势的估计纯粹是基于情感,而不是基于理性。Putting all emotion aside for a minute, let's be practical.我们还是务实一点,把所有感情都暂放一边吧。His voice suddenly thickened with emotion.他突然激动得话都说不清了。Jack listened to the heart-warming tributes of his friends and colleagues with emotion.杰克动情地听着朋友和同事美好的赞许。Jeremy's voice betrayed little emotion.杰里米的声音几乎不带任何情绪。Carter's face was a blank, revealing no emotion.卡特一脸茫然,毫无表情。He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door.他站起来,面无表情地朝门口走去。My mother was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.我母亲控制不住自己的感情,泪如雨下。I couldn't put a name to the emotion I was feeling.我当时的感受无以言表。She realized she was shaking all over with emotion.她意识到自己激动得浑身颤抖起来。His voice broke with emotion.他激动得说话都变调了。Her face betrayed no emotion at all.她的脸上没有显露出任何情感。Her voice was breaking with emotion as she said goodbye.说再见时,她情绪激动,声音变了调。The movie has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy.作为喜剧,这部电影的感情深度出乎意料。The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion.维多利亚时代的特征是有严格的传统习俗,人的思想感情受到压抑。Jealousy is a primal emotion.嫉妒是最原始的情感。He sighed in a parody of deep emotion.他装作动情地叹息起来。The prisoner exhibited no emotion when the sentence was read out.宣读判决书的时候,囚犯表现得无动于衷。Guilt can be a very destructive emotion.内疚可以是一种破坏性很强的情绪。I got all the emotion out of me which had been stored up.我把之前积聚的情绪全都发泄了出来。Guilt is an extremely negative emotion.内疚是一种非常消极的情绪。There was another emotion, and for want of a better word he called it grief.还有一种情感,由于找不到更好的字眼来描绘,他称它为悲痛。She was overcome with/by emotion at the news of her friend's death.听到朋友的死讯时,她的情绪失控了。He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.他以有点激动的声音说话。My husband never shows emotion, so I never know if he's upset.我丈夫从来不流露自己的感情,所以我从来不知道他是否不高兴。For once emotion and logic were at war in him.他的感情和逻辑一度发生过激烈冲突。He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.他走上证人席时面无表情。All of his pent-up emotion came pouring out.他所有压抑的情绪都倾泻而出。




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