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词汇 emerge
例句 The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.导弹从运输机的底部露出。The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge.沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。On closer inspection, a number of problems emerge.进一步审查的话,一大堆问题就会出现。Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic.没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。I saw the woman emerge from a shop.我看到那个女人从一家商店里出来。In every society there will emerge a caste of propagandists who allegedly guide national policy.每个社会中都会出现一个所谓主导国家政策的宣传阶层。Roy employs a circuitous narrative so that events emerge elliptically and out of chronological sequence.罗伊采取了一种迂回的叙事方式,故事情节不是按照时间顺序而是跳跃性地展开的。These countries will need assistance as they emerge from the shadows of war.这些国家需要国际社会帮助他们摆脱战争阴影。As more reports emerge about his business affairs, his re-election looks increasingly unlikely.随着关于他工作事务的报道越来越多,他再度当选的可能性越来越小。Several facts started to emerge from my investigation.我的调查使若干事实开始明朗。It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.经历这样的丑闻难保你的名声不受损害。Her outstanding poetry eventually allowed her to emerge from the ruck. 她的好诗最终使她脱颖而出。Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.两周后飞蛾就会变成成虫形态。Within a year of its introduction, questions began to emerge about the safety of the drug.投入使用不到一年,有关这种药品安全的问题就已经出现了。Who will emerge the victor in this contest?谁将是这次竞赛的赢家呢?His voice stopped short as he saw the blade emerge from Desmond's pocket.当他看到从德斯蒙德口袋里露出的刀刃时,他突然不吭声了。The Queen would emerge from the castle gate every day, come rain or shine.女王每天都会出现在城堡的大门口,风雨无阻。The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually.丑闻背后的真相最终一定会水落石出。When did sociology emerge as a distinct discipline?社会学是何时成为独立学科的?A tendency towards the undue dramatization of situations may emerge.可能会出现对局势过度夸张的趋势。A patchy picture began to emerge of what happened that night.那晚事件的一鳞半爪开始浮现。The point of the story did not emerge until the end of the film.故事的中心思想直到电影的末尾才显现出来。Problems with this drug are now beginning to emerge.这种药的问题开始暴露出来了。The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。They began to emerge like tortoises from their shells.他们开始现身,像乌龟从壳里出来一样。Who will emerge victorious? 谁将会成为赢家?Some worrying rumours were beginning to emerge.一些令人不安的谣传开始露头。The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions.中意的候选人很可能将在私下讨论后产生。The baby's head was starting to emerge from the womb.婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来。The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.虽然一些细节仍然并不清晰,但事情的基本事实已经浮出水面了。He may emerge as a presidential possibility, but his power base in Illinois is weak.他或许会当选为总统,但在伊利诺斯州支持他的力量很薄弱。A budding writer could not emerge from his chrysalis too soon.一位初露头角的作家不可能过快地脱离稚嫩阶段。At the airport, people stood behind a metal fence waiting for passengers to emerge from customs.机场里,人们站在金属栅栏后面,等待乘客从海关出来。The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions.最有可能获胜的候选人可能将在私下磋商后产生。On studying the different historians' accounts, common threads emerge.研究不同历史学家的记载,会发现其中有共同的线索。To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which few emerge.要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。New opportunities will emerge as the economic climate improves.随着经济气候的改善,新的机会就会出现。A group of hacks were huddled around the gates, waiting for her to emerge.一群蹩脚的记者簇拥在大门口,等待她的出现。The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.蛹一直都在土壤中蛰伏直到冬季长成成蛾。The winged adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupae.长了翅膀的蚊子成虫从蛹中钻了出来。




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