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词汇 开车走
例句 She drove off without saying goodbye.她再见也没说就开车走了。He piled in all the luggage and drove off.他把所有的行李都塞进车箱,然后开车走了。After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff.在酒吧里吵了一架后,他气鼓鼓地开车走了。After waiting an hour, he drove off in high dudgeon.等了一个小时后他怒气冲冲地开车走了。They drove off, tyres squealing.他们开车走了,轮胎发出刺耳的嘎吱声。I can drive that route in my sleep.开车走那条路闭着眼都能过去。She got into the car and drove away.她钻进车里开车走了。He revved the motor and then roared off.他把车发动起来,然后隆隆地开车走了。He drove off at the most incredible speed.他以令人难以置信的速度开车走了。It took him only a few minutes to siphon off the petrol and drive away.他只用了几分钟就用虹吸管吸出汽油,开车走了。The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off.姑娘们匆忙跑了出来,爬进汽车,然后开车走了。Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene.索尔特开车走了,剩下卡伦德勘查现场。She blew a raspberry at him as he drove off.开车走的时候,她对他发出呸呸声。She shifted into first and drove off.她把排挡调到头挡,开车走了。He took her home and after seeing her in, drove off without a word.他送她回家,把她送进门就开车走了,没说一句话。I walked to Rainbagh, whence I could complete the journey by car.我步行至雷恩巴夫,从那里我可以开车走完全程。Bertie is motoring down from London.伯蒂要从伦敦开车走She put the car into first gear and drove off.她挂上一挡,开车走了。She strapped the children in and drove away.她给孩子系好安全带,然后开车走了。He climbed into the truck and drove off.他爬进货车,开车走了。After the quarrel he drove off in a huff.吵完架后,他怒气冲冲地开车走了。He gunned his engine and drove off.他加大油门开车走了。He engaged the clutch and drove away.他踩下离合器,开车走了。We drove a long distance.我们开车走了很长一段路。He drove off, leaving behind him a trail of blue smoke.开车走了,身后留下一股青烟。




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