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词汇 危机
例句 He hit the nail on the head when he mentioned that the company was actually facing the danger of bankruptcy.他说那家公司实际上正面临破产的危机,真是一针见血。When a company is in crisis like this, the vultures are always hovering.当一家公司遇到这样的危机,趁火打劫者总是会在旁边虎视耽耽。The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.当前的危机是市政会多年来故意忽视的结果。The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机He now faces another crisis in his helter-skelter existence.他乱糟糟的生活中现在又面临着另一个危机Skilled negotiators helped defuse the crisis/situation.几位老练的谈判专家帮助缓和了危机/局势。The crisis has lost none of its gravity.危机的严重性仍未缓解。We allowed ourselves to entertain hopes that the crisis would end soon.我们希望危机能很快结束。Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis.反对党议员嘲弄政府针对危机作出的反应。The United Nations was criticized for failing to react sooner to the crisis.有人批评联合国未能对危机作出快速反应。Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.监狱里的犯人越来越多,人满为患,造成实实在在的危机Representatives of EU countries will meet with senior American politicians to discuss the trade crisis.欧盟国家的代表们将会晤美国高级政要以讨论贸易危机Financial markets have been roiled by the banking crisis.金融市场已被银行危机搅乱。They will try to keep the crisis on a diplomatic track.他们会极力将这场危机控制在外交层面。The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country.该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机的征兆显现。Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机The mood was sombre as the Commons sat down on Wednesday to debate the crisis.星期三下议院开会辩论那场危机时气氛很严肃。When it came to a crisis, they all rallied behind their leader.遭遇危机时,他们都支持他们的领袖。The country's economic troubles are rooted in a string of global crises.这个国家的经济困境是源于一连串的全球危机The crisis acquired a new dimension.危机又呈现出新特点。Local people were praised for their calm response to the crisis.当地民众因冷静应对危机而受到表扬。We will leave on time unless some crisis intervenes.我们会按时离开,除非有危机事件发生。The financial health of the company was imperiled by a string of bad investments.一连串的不良投资使这家公司的财务状况陷入危机There's no end in sight to the present crisis.看不到目前危机消弭的迹象。The government has acted with restraint in dealing with this crisis.政府在处理这场危机中表现得很克制。The board faces a deepening cash crisis.董事会面临越来越严重的现金支付危机The crisis was resolved in a matter of a few hours.危机在几小时内就化解了。They praised her dexterous handling of the crisis.他们对她机智地处理了危机表示称赞。Dekker had risen to the occasion with an insight that surprised us all.德克尔以其出乎所有人意料的洞察力化解了此次危机The country's economic problems are largely due to the banking crisis.这个国家的经济问题很大程度上是由银行业危机造成的。Late last night, the French ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Office to discuss the crisis.昨晚深夜法国大使被外交部召见,商讨这起危机事宜。The crisis had been brewing since the start of the year.年初以来这场危机就一直在酝酿中。The food shortage had reached crisis proportions.食物匮乏严重,已可称之为危机了。This crisis calls for immediate action.这一危机需要立刻采取行动。The blockade may rapidly inflate to a full-fledged crisis.封锁可能会迅速演变为一场十足的危机The government is taking emergency action to deal with the crisis.政府正在采取紧急行动应对危机The economy is now in grave peril.经济目前处于严重危机中。She wrote a caustic report about the decisions that led to the crisis.她写了一篇报告讥讽那些引发此次危机的决定。The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.该公司正在竭力度过其第二次破产危机A crisis in our lives frequently provokes a sense of disconnection.生活中的危机经常会让我们产生一种孤独无依的感觉。




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