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词汇 electronic
例句 Once inside they short-circuited the electronic security.一旦置入,它们就会使电子安全设施短路。The development of new electronic products has strengthened the company's position as the leader in digital technology.新型电子产品的开发巩固了这家公司在数码技术领域的领导地位。Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.前所未有的变化是电子革命的主旨。Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。Retail analysts say that electronic shopping remains a novelty for most people零售业分析人士称,电子购物在多数人眼中仍是新鲜事物。Rapid electronic communication is now a fact.迅捷的电子通信如今已成为现实。It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music.这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。Every website you visit leaves an electronic footprint of your surfing habits.你所访问的每个网站都会留下你浏览习惯的电子痕迹。He measured the room using an ingenious new electronic device.他用一种设计精巧的新式电子仪器测量房间。The life cycle of new electronic products is becoming ever shorter.新的电子产品生命周期越来越短。The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.作为使用最普遍的消费电器,手机将进入一个新时代。Japanese camera makers continually introduce whizzy new electronic models.日本的相机制造商不断推出最新的电子模型。All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。We have many distribution channels for our software, including electronic.我们有许多渠道销售软件,包括电子销售。Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency.引进销售点电子系统提高了效率。The hunt is on for potential employees with experience of electronic publishing.正在物色有电子出版经验的雇员。The abacus was the precursor of the modern electronic calculator.算盘是现代电子计算器的前身。Infringement of copyright includes distribution by electronic means.侵犯著作权的方式包含以电子手段进行传播。The plane is used for electronic jamming and radar detection.这架飞机是用来进行电子干扰和雷达探测的。Banks of electronic equipment burst into life.一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。Technology has made it possible to miniaturize electronic circuits.科学技术已经可以使电子线路微型化。Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems.翻译人员现在可以利用电子邮件系统在家里工作了。This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.这封信是用电子打字机打的。Every vehicle was stopped and electronic devices were used to detect alien metal.每辆车都被拦下,接受电子仪器探查,看有无金属异物。The train station has an electronic board showing all departure times.火车站有一个显示所有列车出发时间的电子显示屏。The university is setting up a website to allow electronic submission of manuscripts.该大学正建立一个网站,以便学生提交手稿的电子版。Everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic.大家都有点厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声,所以回到了不插电的原声状态。Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods.消费者受骗购买有问题的电子产品。The car has all the latest electronic doodahs.这辆车配备有所有最新的电子装备。Many employers are resorting to electronic monitoring of their workforce.许多雇主采用电子设备监控员工。Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other.中情局官员之间的联系在很大程度上依赖电子邮件。An electronic device amplified the speaker's voice.电子设备放大了演讲人的声音。You can buy electronic diaries fairly cheaply nowadays.现在购买电子记事簿相当便宜。An electronic mine exploded under the ship and put it out of action.一枚电子水雷在船底爆炸,摧毁了这艘船。An optical disk is just another kind of electronic storage medium.光盘只是另一种电子存储介质。You can use the device to scan the image and reproduce it on-screen in an electronic format.你可以用这个仪器对图像进行扫描,以电子文件的格式将其再现在电脑屏幕上。Crafty cyber-thieves have found that they can steal a lot of money in electronic bank thefts with very little risk.狡猾的网络窃贼发现可以从电子银行中窃取大笔钱款,风险却很小。The journals are available in electronic format.这些杂志有电子版可供查阅。Greater consumer access to the Internet has boosted electronic retailing.更多的消费者使用互联网使电子零售业扩大了。An electronic scratch pad allows the user to jot down notes for later reference.电子暂存器可提供随手记录供以后查阅的功能。




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