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词汇 elderly
例句 His were not merely crimes of theft but of violence against elderly people.他所犯的不止是偷窃罪,而是针对老年人的暴力犯罪。Accidents in the home are extremely common, and elderly people are most at risk.家庭意外极为常见,其中老年人的危险性最大。Many elderly people continue to have satisfying sexual relationships.许多老年人仍然有满意的性关系。Children and the elderly are entitled to cheap train tickets.儿童和老人可以享受廉价火车票。They purchased the house from an elderly couple.他们从一对老夫妇手里买了那套房子。For elderly people, TV is a vital link with the outside world.对于老年人来说,电视是他们与外面的世界保持联系的一个重要手段。Cooking for one person can be a dreary business, as many elderly people find.做饭只有一个人吃很没劲,许多老人都这么觉得。An elderly woman was strewing the floor with French chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip.一位老妇人正在往地板上撒滑石粉以防止舞鞋打滑。The mayor's popularity among elderly voters gives him an ace in the hole for the coming election.市长深得老年选民的喜爱,这是他应对即将到来的选举的一张王牌。Their fellow travellers are a mix of honeymooners, single girls on the prowl and elderly couples.他们的旅伴中有度蜜月的新人,有寻觅伴侣的单身女孩,也有老年夫妇。Many elderly folk vegetate and die in loneliness.许多老人过着呆板单调的生活并在孤寂中死去。Not all elderly people can live with their relatives.并不是所有的老人都能和自己的亲人住在一起。The elderly live in fear of assault and murder.老人们生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧之中。Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty.德肋撒嬷嬷是一位毕生致力于消除贫困事业的年迈修女。This was an unprovoked attack on a defenceless elderly man.这是对一位无自卫能力的老人的无端攻击。Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden.照看年老的亲戚可能成为无法承受的重负。Her grandmother is elderly and infirm.她的祖母年迈体弱。Most elderly people want to continue living at home for as long as they can.大部分老年人都想尽可能继续在家里住下去。We now have a disproportionate number of elderly people in our community.现在我们社区老年人所占的比例不合理。She can't go out to work because she has to stay at home to care for her elderly mother.她不能出去工作,因为她得在家里照料年迈的母亲。An elderly Englishwoman was seated next to me on the plane.飞机上我的旁边坐着一位英国老太太。The inspectors make sure that the elderly residents are well cared for.督察员确保老年人都得到很好的照顾。The weakening of bone tissue has a considerable effect on an elderly person's mobility.骨质疏松对老年人的活动能力会产生很大的影响。The church sponsored the fair to raise money for elderly people.教会为替老年人筹集福利基金而举办了这次义卖。You have to be willing to invest a lot of time in taking care of elderly parents.你必须心甘情愿地投入大量的时间来照料年迈的双亲。Streeter wants to focus attention on elderly black people.斯特里特想要重点关注老年黑人。We keep a watchful eye on our elderly neighbors.我们特别留心年长的邻居。They expect to come into a lot more money as their elderly relatives die off.随着年长的亲戚相继去世,他们期望继承更多的钱财。More than a dozen elderly women were victimized by the con artist.十多个老年妇女都上了那个行骗老手的当。My father is rather elderly now and can't walk very fast.我的父亲挺老了,走路走不快。He makes his money by chiselling unsuspecting elderly people.他通过欺骗没有戒心的老人而赚钱。A significant proportion of the elderly are dependent on the basic state pension.老年人中很大一部分依靠基本政府养老金过活。The city is building new housing for the elderly.这座城市正在为老年人修建新的住房。Many elderly patients die because, with a reduced immunity, winter ills too readily become pneumonia.很多老年病人死亡是由于免疫力降低使冬季的小病极易变成肺炎。An elderly gentleman was asleep next to the fire.一位老先生在火炉旁边睡着了。She was worn out from looking after her elderly mother.照料年迈的母亲把她累得筋疲力尽。He disembarrassed an elderly lady of an empty cup at the tea-party.在茶会上,他使一位老太太免受杯中空空之窘。It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them if they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上说,如果老年人生活不能自理,可以指定某个人作为自己的代理。We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.我们通常以为被拦路抢劫的受害者是老年人。Many elderly people feel imprisoned in their own homes.许多老年人感到呆在自己家里犹如监禁。




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