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词汇 eight
例句 He's working until eight.他一直工作到八点。The miners worked at the face eight hours a day.矿工们在采掘面上每天工作八小时。It was his third drink-driving offence in eight years.这是他八年中的第三次酒驾行为。I usually try to sleep for at least eight hours every night.我通常尽量每晚至少睡八个小时。Water is eight hundred times denser than air.水的密度是空气的八百倍。According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile.一项调查显示,有八分之一的女性不能生育。An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents.一名八个月大的女婴在一场车祸中父母双亡,她是唯一的幸存者。The report identified eight pollution hot spots.那份报告确认了八个污染热点地区。We'll need double this amount for eight people.八个人的话我们要加一倍的量。The pitcher had eight whiffs during the game.那名投手在比赛中使对方八次三击不中出局。He fathered eight daughters and three sons.他是八个女儿和三个儿子的父亲。Whereas an octopus has eight arms, this new, superficially octopus-like creature had ten, like squids. The rest of its external morphology was equally strange.章鱼有八条腕足,而这个看上去像章鱼的新生物却如同乌贼般有十条腕足。它身体其余部分的外部形态同样也很奇怪。There are seven or eight potential candidates for the post.该职位有七八名潜在候选人。It's ten after eight.现在是八点十分。By my reckoning we were seven or eight kilometres from Borj Mechaab.据我估计我们离梅卡巴堡有七八公里远。She'll be eight in January.她一月份就八岁了。The eight planets in our solar system all orbit the sun.太阳系的八大行星都是围绕着太阳运动的。The chart showed a gradual rise in his temperature over the previous eight hours.图表显示在过去八小时里他的体温在逐渐上升。She was eight (years old) when her family moved here.八岁那年,她家搬到了这里。The average wait for an appointment at the clinic was eight weeks.该诊所预约看病的平均等候时间是八个星期。Anyway, I must dash – I said I'd meet Daniel at eight.好了,我得赶紧走了,我答应过八点和丹尼尔见面。There are two chicken dishes under eight dollars listed on the menu.菜单上有两种鸡肉菜,都不到八美元。I can remember when eight-track tapes were the latest thing in music.我还记得八音轨磁带是音响界内时髦事的时候。Instead of playing with seven or eight ball players, we are now playing with twelve or thirteen.我们现在的对手不是七八个控球能手,而是十二三个。It was eight-thirty, Trevor's bedtime.八点半了,特雷弗该上床睡觉了。The law limits work in underground mines to eight hours per day, except in cases of emergency.法律限制井工矿作业时间每天不得超过八小时,紧急情况例外。Divide it into eight portions.把它分成八份。After at least eight rings, an ancient-sounding maid answered the phone.电话铃响了至少八声以后,一个听起来非常年老的女仆接了电话。The ship mounts eight guns.这艘军舰装有八门大砲。I got eight correct answers and two wrong ones in last week's exam.上周考试,我做对了八道题,做错了两道。Dan, his wife Breda and eight children were struggling to eke out a living.丹、他的妻子布雷达以及八个孩子在艰难度日。She was writing simple computer programs when she was eight years old.她八岁时编写简单的电脑程序。Children eight and over may participate in the contest.八岁及以上年龄的儿童可以参加比赛。The bomb blast killed eight people.炸弹爆炸导致八人死亡。Two is to four as eight is to sixteen.二比四就相当于八比十六。The train arrived at four minutes past eight.火车于八点零四分到达。They have been living together for eight years.他们已经共同生活了八年。If you confess and turn queen's evidence, we can put your partner away for eight years, and you can go free.要是你认罪并指证同犯,我们就会把他们关押八年,把你放了。We stumped up eight quid each.我们每个人勉强支付了八英镑。I'll be annoyed if we don't finish by eight.如果我们八点还未完成,我会生气的。




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