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词汇 education
例句 Our aim is that all children complete secondary education.我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。The Halsey Report emphasized the value of a pre-school education.《哈尔西报告》强调了学前教育的价值。They agreed to provide for the child's education.他们同意提供孩子的教育费。They were people of good education and considerable/great learning.他们受过良好教育,学识相当/非常渊博。The show blurs the difference between education and entertainment.这个节目模糊了教育和娱乐的差别。Many educators advocate a liberal education.很多教育家提倡通才教育。She works in education.她从事教育工作。His promise to improve education has become a rallying point for his supporters.他改进教育的承诺对支持者具有号召力。Bad manners savour a bad education.粗暴无礼显示出缺乏教养。She majored in English and minored in education.她主修英文,副修教育。The company saw it as part of its social responsibility to provide education for its workers.公司把向工人提供教育看成是自己的一个社会责任。The biggest concern for most Americans was the quality of public education.大多数美国人最关心的是大众教育的质量问题。They have had an education of a sort.他们勉强算是接受过一点教育。This cut in funding will adversely affect the quality of education in our schools.削减资助将对我们学校的教学质量产生不利影响。Blacks have been hurt by racial inequalities in housing and education.住房与教育方面的种族不平等现象让黑人深受伤害。The education secretary poured cold water on the recommendations of a working party.教育部长对成立工作小组的建议泼了冷水。A good education can open/unlock the door of success. 良好的教育能打开成功之门。He accused ministers of trying to pass the buck on education.他指责部长们试图推卸教育上的责任。You are playing a losing game if you neglect your education.如果你忽视教育,你就必定倒霉。The education system is still in a state of flux following the recent reform.经过最近的改革,教育体制仍然处于不断变化之中。Mr Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.加西亚先生看不起没有受过大学教育的人。We've spent a lot on the children's education.我们在孩子的教育上花费甚多。Our policy has to be judged against a clear test: will it improve the standard of education?.对我们的政策作出评判必须根据一条明确的准则:它是否会提高教育的水准?We shall return to the topic of education in Chapter 7.我们将在第七章再回到教育这个话题。The idea of equal education was to level up the general standard.平等教育的观念旨在提高普遍的水平。Students and their parents worry about the rising cost of higher education.学生及其家长都对不断上涨的高等教育费用表示担心。It's my feeling that the money spent on drug prohibition would be better spent on information and education.我觉得花钱禁毒不如把钱用在信息和教育上。He had little formal education. 他几乎没受过正规教育。They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。No one can deny the value of a good education.没人能够否认良好教育的重要性。He doesn't have much in the way of education.他没有受过多少教育。The government has promised increased spending on the the state education system.政府应允向公立教育制度投入更多的资金。This gives children a more broadly based education.这使孩子们受到了内容更广泛的教育。Men and women should have equal access to education and employment.男女应当享有平等的受教育和工作的权利。Access to higher education has been unduly restricted for people with disabilities.残疾人接受高等教育的权利受到了过度的限制。Wilson will give the introductory speech at the education conference.威尔逊将于教育大会上致开幕词。He devoted himself to the nourishment of education.他献身于发展教育事业。He was a boy from a poor family who had hitched his wagon to a star and was determined to get a good education for himself.他是个有雄心壮志的贫家子弟,打定主意要受好的教育。In the coming years a lot of money will go into restructuring the education system.今后的几年里,将投入很多资金以重建教育体系。After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.学业结束后,戈尔德施米特成了作曲家弗朗兹·施雷克尔的学生。




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