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词汇 沾满
例句 Harold's shirtfront was covered in blood as a result of a heavy nosebleed.哈罗德鼻血流得厉害,结果衬衣前胸处沾满了血。He cleaned the car with an oily rag.他用一块沾满油污的破布擦汽车。He was wiping his hands on an oily rag.他在用一块沾满油污的抹布擦手。Your shoes are really muddy - take them off before you come in.你的鞋子沾满了烂泥,把它们脱了再进来。They protest their innocence, but we know that they have blood on their hands.他们声称自己无罪,但是我们知道他们双手沾满了鲜血。Their uniforms are torn and sooty.他们的制服破破烂烂的,沾满了烟尘。She wiped her floury hands on a cloth.她把沾满面粉的双手在一块布上擦了擦。The children's smocks were covered with paint.孩子们的罩衫上沾满了颜料。There are dog/cat hairs all over my coat.我的衣服上沾满了狗/猫毛。Butter was smeared all over the counter.柜台上沾满了黄油。She wiped her floury hands on her apron.她在围裙上擦了擦沾满面粉的双手。The grill was covered in a greasy residue from the hamburgers.烤肉架上沾满了汉堡肉饼残留的油脂。His shirt and lap were dusted with pieces of broken glass.他的衬衫和大腿上沾满了碎玻璃。He took off his glasses, which were covered with dirt.他摘下沾满灰尘的眼镜。After doing the kitchen walls she found that her clothes were all painty.漆完厨房的墙壁后,她发现衣服上沾满了油漆。His hands and fingernails were filthy, his face and legs covered in muck.他的双手和指甲肮脏不堪,脸上腿上沾满了污垢。His hands were covered with ink from the newspaper.他手上沾满了报纸的油墨。We were covered from head to foot in mud.我们从头到脚都沾满了烂泥。They get their hands covered in newsprint.他们手上沾满了报纸的油印字迹。The dog was speckled with mud.狗身上沾满了点点污泥。TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil.电视画面上出现了一只身上沾满油污、奄奄一息的小鸟。Her hands were covered in dust and she had a black smudge on her nose.她的手上沾满了灰尘,鼻子上也有黑乎乎的一块。The windscreen was spotted with rain.挡风玻璃上沾满了雨水。He wiped his greasy hands on the front of his overalls.他在工装裤正面擦了擦沾满油污的手。I usually have to wash the greasy pots and pans.我得常常洗沾满油污的锅子。I don't want to use your snotty handkerchief!我不想用你这块沾满鼻涕的手帕!He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.他把所有沾满污垢的脏盘子都放到了厨房。His hands were smeared with ink.他的手上沾满了墨水。The killer must have been heavily bloodstained.杀手的身上肯定沾满了血迹。When the children come in covered in sand you can just hose them down.当孩子全身沾满沙子进门时,你可以直接用水龙带将他们冲洗干净。The shirt was heavily stained with blood.衬衫上沾满了血迹。




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