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词汇 editors
例句 The editors agreed to co-operate.编辑们同意合作。I ask him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors.我要求他不再在私下向报馆编辑毁谤我。News editors have to crank up tired reporters.新闻编辑不得不给疲惫的记者们打气。The editors hope their magazine serves as a field for debate.编辑们希望他们的杂志充作辩论的园地。Her editors censored all negative reporting on the coup.编辑们删除了她对政变的所有负面报道。Fashion editors have to look the part.时尚编辑必须注意外表。The editors are justified in refusing your work.那些编辑有充分的理由拒绝你的作品。The college president fought a running battle with the editors of the student newspaper.大学校长与学生报编辑们进行了旷日持久的较量。The book was vetted by several different editors.这本书经好几位编辑审阅过。They exerted political influence on newspaper editors.他们对报纸编辑们施加了政治影响。The editors have jacked up their sports pages.编辑们把体育专栏编得生动活泼。He drafted a standard letter to the editors.他起草了一份给编辑的标准信函。Fashion editors drooled over every item.时尚编辑们兴奋地注视着每一件东西。The authors are grateful for the unceasing support of the editors in London and New York.作者们非常感激伦敦和纽约两地编辑们的不懈支持。The editors of the book decided to Americanize the spelling.这本书的编辑们决定用美式拼写。The editors were right to refuse this article.编辑们不接受这篇文章是有道理的。The magazine's readership decreased when the editors changed the format.杂志编辑改版后,读者数量下降了。The magazine's editors care more about style than about subject matter. 杂志的编辑们更关注风格而非内容。The newspaper's editors spiked the article.报纸的编辑阻止了这篇文章的发表。Many newspapers redeployed reporters and editors overnight to publish special sections.多家报纸为发表专刊连夜重新调派记者和编辑。The newspaper's editors want to solicit opinions/comments from readers.这家报社的编辑想要征求读者意见。The work for the project gets distributed among the editors.这个项目的工作分配给了各位编辑。Three editors are revising the articles for publication.三名编辑正在修订文章以供出版。The reporters spread discontent at the editors as far as they dared.记者在他们敢于说话的范围内散布对编辑的不满。Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.通常由资深编辑们来决定编务事宜。Many editors and journalists seek refuge in silence or sycophancy.许多编辑和记者或保持沉默或阿谀奉承以求自保。These two books will be especially useful for editors, journalists and other professional users of the language.这两本书将对编辑、记者及其他使用该语言的专业人士尤为有用。The judgment of the editors is final.编辑们的评判不可更改。Some of the more forthright sections were watered down by the editors.一些更直接的部分被编辑淡化了。The editors will amalgamate all the information into one article.编辑将把所有的资料综合成一篇文章。Her editors wanted her to cut out the poetry from her novel.她的编辑们想让她把小说中的诗歌删掉。I invite you to send your feedback to our editors.请你将反馈信息发送给我们的编辑。Whether the interview is edited out or spiked is a matter for the editors' sensitivities.那篇访问记是修改采用抑或弃置不用,由编辑们凭感觉裁定。




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