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词汇 economic
例句 The organization is devoted to fighting economic/racial/social injustice.这个组织致力于与经济/种族/社会不公平做斗争。During the economic recession the factory terminated a large number of workers.经济衰退时期这家工厂解雇了许多工人。The President has hit back at those who have criticised his economic reforms.总统反驳了那些对他的经济改革提出批评的人。The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister.党代表大会以副总理对政府经济计划热烈的辩护拉上了帷幕。Membership of the ERM is not a panacea for Britain's economic problems.加入欧洲汇率机制并不是解决英国经济问题的万灵丹。The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan.总统下令对美国向约旦提供的经济援助进行审查。Research is vital for national economic development and will influence companies to open here.科学研究对国民经济的发展至关重要,并且会影响到公司在这里的开设。We have benefited much from European economic integration in the past.我们过去从欧洲经济一体化中受益良多。The speed of economic change has been so great that the tax-collecting system has been unable to cope.经济变化得如此之快,以致税收系统都应付不过来了。The technology bred of science has catalysed stupendous economic growth.产生于科学的技术已促成了巨大的经济发展。The biggest hindrance to economic reform has been the lack of access to U.S. markets.经济改革最大的障碍在于无法进入美国市场。The newspaper ran a hard-hitting editorial criticizing the government's economic policies.这份报纸刊登了一篇直言不讳的批评政府经济政策的社论。To emancipate herself, a woman requires economic independence.女人要想解放自己需要经济独立。Concern at the economic situation was reflected in the government's budget.政府的预算反映了对经济运行状况的关注。Companies are sometimes reluctant to report economic espionage.公司有时不太情愿报告经济间谍案。The news of more stock market losses could make the difficult economic situation worse.股市继续亏损的消息会使艰难的经济形势更加严峻。The Marshall Plan was the engine of postwar economic growth.马歇尔计划是战后经济发展的原动力。Finance ministers claimed that all the conditions for economic revival were already in place.财政部长宣称经济复苏的所有条件已经具备。They put together a Western economic aid package for Moscow.他们为莫斯科准备了一整套西方经济援助计划。In this economic climate new ideas were few and far between.在这种经济环境下,新想法极为罕见。This survey gives the lie to the idea that Britain is moving towards economic recovery.这次调查证明了英国经济正在复苏的想法是错误的。The major economic variables are not under control.一些主要的经济因素无法控制。The country's economic problems pivoted on overseas trade.这个国家的经济问题要靠海外贸易解决。When a country is able to persevere with reforms, the result can be a return to economic stability.一个国家要是能坚持改革,其结果可能是恢复经济稳定。Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了动荡的经济困境中。Man-made and natural disasters have disrupted the Government's economic plans.天灾人祸打乱了政府的经济计划。Canada enjoyed a real economic boom in the postwar years.加拿大在战后数年中经济非常繁荣。The country was near economic collapse.该国经济濒临崩溃。This financial crisis means that the government's economic policy is finished.这次金融危机意味着政府的经济政策无法继续下去了。The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。The US has threatened to cut off economic and military aid.美国威胁说要停止经济和军事援助。If the pundits are right, the economic situation may become worse before the end of the year.如果专家说得对,那么经济形势可能会在年底前恶化。Some experts doubt the economic worth of the project.一些专家怀疑该项目的经济价值。The economic base of the village is tourism. 这个村庄的经济支柱是旅游业。Restrictions on foreign trade are part of the state's economic and legal system.限制外贸是该国经济和法律体制的一部分。The Director however reposed his faith in strong political and economic fundamentals of the country.然而董事寄望于国家强有力的政治经济大政方针。The country had descended into economic chaos.国家已陷入经济混乱。Many small businesses are struggling for survival in this difficult economic climate.在这困难的经济气候下,许多小企业在挣扎求存。In sum, the two countries are now true economic partners.总而言之,两国目前是真正的经济合作伙伴。




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