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词汇 earns
例句 He scorns anyone who earns less money than he does.他鄙视所有挣钱比他少的人。He earns scarcely enough to keep the wolf from the door.他挣的钱少得几乎不够糊口。It would be interesting to know how much he earns.知道他收入多少会很有意思。She earns obscenely large amounts of money.她赚了多得离谱的一笔钱。He earns a large amount over and above his salary.他除了薪金之外,还有很大的一笔收入。She earns as much as he does.她挣的钱和他一样多。She earns a surprisingly low salary.她的薪水出奇的低。He earns a cool half million every year.他每年足足赚五十万。What money he earns goes on food and rent.他挣的钱都花在了吃饭和房租上。She earns a good salary.她挣得一份高薪。A programmer earns a pretty decent living.程序员收入不菲。Her salary is five times greater than mine. = She earns five times as much money as I do.她的薪水是我的五倍。It is an exaggeration to say that he earns more money than anyone I know, but he is certainly very well paid.说他是我所认识的人当中赚钱最多的人有点夸张,但他薪水肯定很高。He earns more than all of us together. 他赚的比我们的总和还多。He earns enough to stand on his own feet.他赚的钱足以自立。He earns a good salary as a consultant.他当顾问薪水很高。It is through risk-taking that any businessman earns his daily bread.任何一个商人挣得其生活所需都是要承担一定风险的。She earns a lot in royalties.她版税收入甚丰。She earns extra cash by working as a waitress.她去当女招待额外挣些钱。The family can't get by on what she earns.全家人靠她挣的钱过不下去。All things being equal, should it matter who earns most money?如果一切不变,谁赚的钱最多有什么关系吗?She earns her living by selling insurance.她以推销保险为生。So Claire earns more than you?那么,克莱尔挣得比你多?He gets/earns/is paid a good wage, because he works for a fair employer.他的薪水很不错,因为他的老板奖惩公平。He earns most of his income through endorsements.他的大部分收入来源于广告代言。Milos earns good money as a foreman.迈洛斯做工头收入很高。She earns a lot in residuals.她获得很多重播版权费。She spends far more than she earns and she's riding for a fall.她入不敷出,早晚会有麻烦。He earns thrice the amount I earn.他挣的钱是我的三倍。He earns the money. I mother the kids.他挣钱,我抚养孩子。He earns his living as a jockey.他靠当赛马骑师为生。The managing director earns a six-figure salary.总经理赚取六位数的工资。He earns his living doing all kinds of things.为了谋生他什么都做。She earns a living by selling insurance.她以推销保险为生。She earns a tidy salary.她的收入可观。She earns more than all the rest of us put together.她挣的比我们其他所有人挣的加起来还多。Money well invested earns good interest.投资得当可获厚利。He has a large private income on top of what he earns as a teacher.他除了当教师的工资外还有一大笔私人收入。As a caretaker, she earns a measly income every month.作为一个保姆,她每个月只赚极少的钱。He earns a good income as a consultant.他当咨询顾问,收入不菲。




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