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词汇 During
例句 During his illness his temperament was more mercurial than ever before.生病期间他的性情比以往更加反复无常。During a war, a leader must be single-minded and, if necessary, ruthless.战争期间,领导人必须意志坚定,必要时还得心狠手辣。During the show she managed to put in a plug for her new book.在节目当中她设法将自己的新书推销了一番。During this period, Tanya was making very little money.这段时期塔妮娅挣钱很少。During his senior year his earnings stretched far enough to buy an old car.他上年纪时省下的收入足够买一辆旧车了。During the summer, tourists swarm the little beachside town.比赛后,成千上万的足球迷涌进了球场。During his summer vacation he visited Russia.暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。During the discussions MacDonald seemed to be listening, but he had nothing to contribute.讨论时麦克唐纳似乎在听,但并没有提出意见。During his illness, David kept a diary, which his family hopes to publish.戴维在患病期间一直记日记,他的家人希望能将它出版。During the dictatorship people had come to fear the knock at the door in the middle of the night.独裁时期,人们害怕半夜时会被人从家里抓走。During her first year in the United States, she was seriously unhappy.在美国的第一年,她过得非常不开心。During the epidemic farmers had to destroy entire herds.瘟疫发生时,农民不得不把整群整群的牲畜宰杀掉。During my turn on the lake I noticed a curious fact.轮到我值班管湖的时候我看到一件怪事。During the recession, training budgets were seen as an expendable luxury.在经济衰退期间,培训预算被认为是一项可以节省下来的奢侈费用。During the night a gust of wind had blown the pot over.夜里一阵劲风将锅吹翻了。During the flood season, the river overruns its banks for several miles.在洪水季节,河水溢出堤岸几英里。During the car journey, the baby slept.坐车来的路上,宝宝睡着了。During a riot, crowds carried away the courtroom's furniture.在一次骚乱中民众搬走了法庭的家具。During clarification, impurities were removed from the cane juice.在净化过程中,甘蔗汁中的杂质被去除了。During two days of tough interviews, he never put a foot wrong.在两天艰难的面试中,他没有出一点差错。During the war we faced many hardships.战争期间,我们面临许多困难。During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels.在高峰时期,有些酒店很难预订到房间。During the course of the morning I learned a lot about the project.在这一上午,我对该工程了解了许多。During a lunch break, he and the buyer passed the time with some chitchat.午饭休息时间,他与顾客谈天闲聊以消磨时间。During the whole struggle he held by his principles.在整个斗争过程中,他坚持自己的原则。During the riots, some of the prisoners barricaded their cells.暴动期间,有些囚犯把牢房堵了起来。During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable.在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。During the summer season, all the hotels are full.整个夏季所有的旅馆都客满。During the monsoon rains, torrents of water spill down the mountains.雨季的时候,山上湍急的水流奔腾而下。During the fight with a rival gang he lashed out with his flick knife.在与敌对帮派的打斗中,他挥舞着弹簧折刀一通猛刺。During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students.在过去几年里,政府将学生放暑假的时间相互错开。During the Gulf War, there were several big anti-war demonstrations.海湾战争期间爆发过数次大规模的反战示威游行。During peak season , the island is very crowded.这个岛在旅游高峰期游人如织。During the primary elections, McCain was Bush's leading opponent.初选时,麦凯恩是布什的主要对手。During the McCarthy era, hundreds of innocent US citizens were persecuted for their beliefs.在麦卡锡年代,数以百计的无辜美国公民因信仰遭到了迫害。During our infancy, our parents cuddle and hug us.当我们还是婴儿的时候,父母会搂抱着我们。During the riot inmates took their revenge on prison guards.暴乱期间,囚犯对狱警进行报复。During his years as a human rights campaigner he was arrested seven times.他长年作为人权斗士,被逮捕了七次。During dormancy the plants must be kept very dry.休眠期间,植株必须保持干燥。During the first five months of the war, 10, 000 people died and over 12,000 were seriously wounded.战争的头五个月里,有一万人死亡,一万二千多人受重伤。




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