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词汇 cast off
例句 He cast off his dog at once.他立刻把猎狗放出去。They wanted to cast off their fears.他们要消除恐惧。I've cast off your book and think it will come to about 150 pages when it's printed.我已经对你的书估计了篇幅,印好时将有150页左右。Now the hard winter has gone, we can cast off our winter clothing.严冬已过,现在我们可以把冬天的衣服脱掉收起来了。He cast off his clothes and dived into the swimming pool.他脱下衣服跳进游泳池。The snake cast off its old skin.这条蛇蜕了旧皮。There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief, as if a great burden had been cast off.有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。He cast off his clothes and dived into the cool water of the lake.他脱下衣服摔在一旁,一头跳入冰冷的湖水。We decided to cast off and head out to sea.我们决定解缆出海。Don't cast off the hunting dog.别把那条猎狗放出来。They cast off their boat yesterday morning.他们昨天上午解缆启航。Mr Brown cast off his daughter when she married an old rich man.布朗先生的女儿嫁给一位年老的富翁后,布朗先生与她断绝了父女关系。She felt so relieved when she could finally cast off her garment of heaviness.当她终于可以脱下那笨拙的衣服时觉得轻松多了。The engineering group are trying to cast off an image of corporate excess.这家工程集团公司正在努力摆脱企业花费无度的形象。He cast off, heading out to the bay.他解开缆绳,往海湾驶去。He has cast off his idea of going abroad.他已放弃出国的打算。The essay exhorts women to cast off their servitude to husbands and priests.该文劝告女性不要再对丈夫和牧师低三下四。At the end of the row, cast off seven stitches.在这行的结尾收七针。




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