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词汇 castle
例句 Visitors can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the area from the castle turrets.游客在城堡的塔楼上可以鸟瞰这个地区。A settlement grew up around the castle.城堡周围逐渐发展成一片居住地。The castle bills itself as the oldest in England.这个城堡号称是英格兰最古老的城堡。The castle stood in a strategic position on the harbour.这座城堡屹立在港口的一个重要战略位置上。The castle was originally surrounded by a triple wall, only one of which remains.这座城堡最初由三重墙环绕而成,现在仅存一道。The castle perches on a high rock.该城堡坐落在高高的岩石上。The guide showed us round the castle.导游带我们参观了城堡。The castle is romantically situated amid spectacular scenery.该城堡坐落于风景优美的环境之中,极具浪漫色彩。The baron lived in a strong castle.男爵住在一座坚固的城堡中。Richard was now safe inside his castle.理查德目前在他的城堡里是安全的。The house is like a small-scale castle.这座房子就像是一座小型的城堡。They set the castle on the top of a rocky hill.他们把城堡建在一座遍布岩石的山顶。The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake.城堡有一条很深的流入湖里的护城河。The castle was left in ashes.这个城堡成了一片废墟。The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls.古老的常春藤紧紧攀附在破败的城堡墙上。The army was encamped beneath the castle walls.部队在城墙下安营。Contained within the walls of the castle is the kitchen garden.城堡的围墙内是菜园子。Then the towers of the castle came into sight.随后进入视野的是城堡的塔楼。Ingrid has a job showing visitors over the castle.英格丽德的工作是带游客参观这座城堡。The castle was steadfast among storms.城堡在暴风雨中屹立不动。Guides take the non-stop stream of visitors around the castle.导游带领络绎不绝的游客参观城堡。She was held captive in a castle.她被关押在一个城堡里。Walking into the castle was like entering a time warp.走进这座城堡就像穿过时间隧道,回到了过去。The army breached the castle wall.部队在城堡围墙上攻开了一个缺口。The castle lay in ruins.城堡已成废墟。By night the castle is beautifully illuminated.晚上,城堡被灯光装饰得五彩缤纷。The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve.这一城堡废墟是古代的遗迹,政府出钱加以保存。The Earl had installed a steward to manage the castle household.伯爵雇用了一位管家来管理城堡内务。He grabbed at the opportunity to buy his castle.他抓住机会买下了他的城堡。The ancient castle was invested with an air of mystery.这座古堡充满神秘的气氛。Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.这里又有一座高低不平的城堡建在悬崖绝壁之上。He grabbed at the opportunity to buy the castle.他抓住机会买下了那座城堡。The castle is set in rolling hills to the north of Orvieto.城堡坐落在奥尔维耶托北面绵延起伏的山区里。He was riding on his horse looking for the castle.他正在骑马寻找那座城堡。The castle was centuries old and full of atmosphere.那座城堡有数世纪的历史,充满了情调。The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle's medieval heyday.房间都进行了布置,重新营造出该城堡中世纪全盛时期的氛围。The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.这座城堡岿然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.城堡的防御工事巨大厚实,坚不可摧。In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding.在黎明冰冷的光线下,城堡看上去了无生气且令人生畏。Part of the castle was destroyed by fire.这个城堡的一部分毁于火灾。




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