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词汇 aloud
例句 She cried aloud to the gods for vengeance for the loss of her daughter.她大声向神灵起誓,要为死去的女儿报仇。Oh, sorry. I was thinking aloud.噢,对不起。 我在自言自语。The poem is intended to be read aloud.这首诗是要大声朗读出来的。He lost his self-control and cried aloud.他失去了自我控制,大声哭了起来。I listen to my children reading aloud.我听我的孩子们大声朗诵。She read aloud to us from the newspaper.她给我们读报纸。She read the poem aloud.她朗诵了这首诗。He picked up the letter and began to read it aloud.他拿起信大声地念了起来。Reading aloud is an important classroom activity.朗读是一项很重要的课堂活动。Better not say too much aloud.最好不要大声说太多话。The crowd fell silent as the horrible news was read aloud.当听到这则可怕的消息时,大家都安静了下来。He was pleading, almost sobbing, first silently and then aloud.他恳求着,几乎要哭出来了,起先无声呜咽,后来抽噎出声。Denise almost gasped aloud in astonishment.丹尼斯惊得差点儿大叫起来。The hungry baby cried aloud.饿了的婴孩放声大哭。I'll read the text aloud first.我先朗读一下课文。"What did you say?" "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking aloud."“你说什么了?”“啊,没什么,我只是在自言自语。”Trying not to laugh aloud made it worse, and for a moment or two, they were both helpless with suppressed laughter.他们想忍住不笑出声来,反而更加糟糕有那么一会儿,两个人都忍不住大笑起来。He looked very vague and wondered aloud how it could have happened.他的神情非常茫然,喃喃自语说怎么会发生这样的事。He spoke near the sea in storms to use himself to speak aloud.他在狂风暴雨时在海边讲话,以使自己习惯于大声说话。He really must be careful about thinking aloud. Who knew what he might say?他的确该注意自己说话不经思索的问题。谁知道他会说些什么?He read the poem aloud.他朗读了那首诗。The letter was not read aloud, but all present were informed of its purport.那封信没有被大声读出来,但是在场的每一个人都被告知了信的主要内容。She read aloud scraps from the letter.她高声朗读那封信的片断。The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。She wondered aloud where they'd gone.她说出了自己的疑问:他们去哪儿了。When we were children, our father read aloud to us.我们小的时候,父亲会给我们朗读。She began to think aloud as she always did when she was faced with a difficult problem.像以往一样,她遇到难题时就开始自言自语起来。Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.大多数男人还是希望他们的妻子对自己忠诚,不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。Sam read aloud from the note pinned to his door.萨姆把钉在门上的便条念出来。The teacher would read aloud to the group.老师会大声地念给全组听。Police, weary and increasingly sour in mood, wonder aloud why the situation has been allowed to deteriorate.警察们疲惫不堪,心情也越来越糟糕,他们不禁满腹狐疑地问:为什么听凭情况不断地恶化下去?The students were taking turns reading aloud.学生正在轮流朗读。It would be a useful exercise for you to say the speech aloud several times.大声朗读几遍演讲稿,将会有助于你发挥。He amused his friends by his habit of thinking aloud.他有自言自语的习惯,这使他的一些朋友觉得好玩。 Once children have achieved a certain proficiency in reading, they prefer to read silently rather than aloud.儿童一旦达到了一定的阅读程度,他们就喜欢默读,不喜欢朗读了。She broke down and sobbed aloud.她禁不住大声哭了起来。Prudently, Joanna spoke none of this aloud.出于慎重,乔安娜说这些话时一直压低声音。Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.儿童可以点击句子来听句子的录音。Jamie was thrilled when the teacher singled out his poem and asked him to read it aloud.老师挑出杰米的诗并让他自己朗读时,杰米非常激动。She pondered aloud the question of what should be done.她大声地自言自语应该怎么办。




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