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词汇 dubious
例句 He felt dubious as to what to do next.他犹豫不决,不知下一步该怎么办。The Appeal Court judge said that his conviction was of dubious legality.上诉法庭的法官说,对他的判决是否合法值得怀疑。The room was decorated in dubious taste.这房间的装潢品位不佳。They were dubious about the whole affair.他们对整个事情有怀疑。These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.这些说法未经科学证实,有些可疑。By accepting the support of dubious elements the candidate has put himself in a false position.由于接受了可疑分子的支持,候选人便把自己置于言行不一的尴尬境地。They would now find some dubious pretext to restart the war.他们现在会找个蹩脚的借口重新发动战争。We were dubious about signing the deal.我们对签订这项交易没有把握。Max was given the dubious honour of organizing the children's party.马克斯得到了为孩子们组织聚会这一所谓的殊荣。The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.该公司被指控有不诚实的会计行为。I was a bit dubious at first, but the water looked cool and inviting, so I dived in.一开始我有点疑惑不定,但是那水看上去清凉诱人,我就跳了下去。I am dubious about accepting the offer of the job.我犹豫不定是否接受提供给我的那份工作。The story seemed a bit dubious to me.这种说法我有点怀疑。He says the outcome is entirely dubious.他说结果还完全不明朗。I was dubious about our chances for success.我拿不准我们能否成功。The whole deal seems highly dubious to me.整个交易在我看来非常可疑。She was a dubious choice for the job. 把这项工作交给她不太可靠。He has been associated with some dubious characters.他曾经与一些可疑人物有交往。It is a dubious argument that high officials are not amenable to the laws.所谓大官可以不对法律负责乃是一种大成问题的论点。His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.他发表的游记对其他探险家不一定有用。He has the dubious distinction of being the world's most famous gangster.他浪得了世界上最著名的悍匪之名。It sounds a morally dubious proposition.这听起来是一个道德上有问题的提议。This book might be an unputdownable expose of London's underworld, but its moral message is highly dubious.这本书也许是反映伦敦下层生活的精彩之作,但其道德含义却很不清楚。My parents were a bit dubious about it.我的父母对此有些犹豫不决。My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.我父母起初对此心存疑虑,但是我们很快就让他们信服了。Up till now taxpayers have been nicked for a relatively small share of these dubious expenditures.到目前为止,纳税者们被骗走的钱只占这些可疑支出的一小部分。His journals are full of dubious pearls of homespun wisdom.他的日记中记下了许多朴素却不可靠的箴言。He made the highly dubious claim that Elvis is still alive and living in Hawaii.他信口开河地说埃尔维斯还活着,而且就住在夏威夷。He had a dubious reputation in the business.他在业内的声誉不是很好。The city bears the dubious distinction of being the most polluted in the nation.这座城市是全国污染最严重的城市,这也算是种殊荣吧。Many critics regard this argument as dubious or, at best, misleading.许多批评家认为这一理论靠不住,或者说至少有误导性。Those figures alone are a dubious basis for such a conclusion.仅凭这些数据为基础得出这个结论不足为信。They got their money through dubious means/methods. 他们的钱来路不明。Soho was still a highly dubious area.索霍区仍然是个靠不住的地方。Sometimes they faced dubious directives.有时他们面临着令人疑惑的命令。He is the lawyer with the dubious honor of having lost the most cases in the firm.他官司输得最多,公司里其他的律师无人能获此殊荣。Her conclusions are pretty dubious, if you ask me. 在我看来她的结论很不可靠。This country has gained the dubious distinction of being one of the world's most dangerous places for journalists.这个国家赢得了一个不大好的名声:对于新闻记者而言,它是全世界最危险的地区之一。I'm dubious of her honesty.我怀疑她是否诚实。Investing his savings in that dubious stock was disastrous.他把积蓄投资于那毫无把握的股票是灾难性的一搏。




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