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This can cause extreme dryness, irritation and itchiness.这会导致极度干燥、疼痛及发痒。Use a moisturizer to soothe any dryness.使用保湿乳液减轻皮肤的干燥。There's a certain dryness in her tone.她的声调中有些冷淡的味道。He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy.有人建议他去暖和而少雨的意大利呆一段时间。It combines the dryness of red wine with the fresh lightness of white.它融合了红葡萄酒的无甜味与白葡萄酒的清新淡雅。Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.症状包括经常口干舌燥。Her writing has a wry dryness.她的作品有一种冷嘲式的幽默。 |