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He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.他紧紧抱住花瓶,生怕把它摔了。He kept name-dropping but no one was impressed.他不断地提到名人的名字,但没人注意到他。The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.那位助手继续对同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。University life had not lived up to his expectations. He had become disenchanted and was considering dropping out.大学生活没有达到他的预期,他感到幻灭并在考虑退学。Parachute payments were introduced to help relegated clubs absorb the huge losses in revenue that accompany dropping out of the Premier League. 引进降级付费的原因是为了帮助那些因为降级而在财政收入上遭到巨大损失的俱乐部。One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.一位看过此报道的内部人士说这绝对是令人震惊的爆料。Ed was talking about dropping out of school, but Mom and Dad put their foot down.埃德讲到要退学,但爸妈坚持不同意。Just as I was dropping off, a strange thought crossed my mind.就在我快要睡着的时候,一个奇怪的念头闪过我的脑海。We can kill two birds with one stone by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery store.我们可以在去杂货店时顺便寄信,这样就能一举两得了。She spent the day dropping in on friends.她那天拜访了朋友。Home sales are declining/dropping precipitously.住房销售正在猛降。The government hopes to kick-start the economy by dropping interest rates.政府希望能通过降低利率来重新拉动经济增长。Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?你是头一靠着枕头就能入睡呢,还是要翻来覆去好几个小时才能睡着?She should have thought about that before dropping the letter in the post.她本应在寄信之前好好考虑一下那件事。She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh.她一天的大部分时间都用来拜访在爱丁堡的朋友了。The enemy were still dropping shells into the town.敌人还在炮轰该城。Children are failing exams and dropping out of school in colossal numbers.大批儿童考试不及格并中途退学。It's all well and good for him to say he's sorry for dropping you, but has he told you why he did it?他尽可为甩了你这事向你道歉。可他有没有告诉你为什么这样做啊?He has still won three matches without dropping a set.他已赢下三场比赛,仍然一盘未失。The business of the company was dropping off.这家公司的生意日益清淡。Analysts warn that recent changes in the region may result in the bottom dropping out of the oil market. 分析家警告说,这一地区近期发生的变化可能导致石油市场暴跌。She encourages people to keep their jobs rather than dropping out to live in a commune.她鼓励人们坚持工作而不是离经叛道地去过公社生活。She kept dropping off for a few minutes, before waking with a start.她不停地打瞌睡,断断续续地睡几分钟,后来突然惊醒了。He was dropping off a late birthday present.他正在送一份迟到的生日礼物。They were always dropping by, usually without invitation.他们常常来串门,通常不请自来。Matt relaxed a little, dropping his guard.马特放松了一下,警惕性也降低了。House prices are all dropping, and in the case of home buyers, time is on their side. 房价全都在跌,对于购房者而言,越往后对他们越有利。It's just three weeks into the season and players are dropping like ninepins.本赛季才过了三星期,队员们就伤病不断。These forms are now dropping out of use.这些形式现正渐被废弃。This was one of the factors that led to President Suharto's dropping of his previous objections.这是导致苏哈托总统放弃其先前异议的因素之一。The dropping of these tour dates was a great disappointment for the many fans of the band.这些巡演日程的取消使乐队的许多歌迷大为失望。I didn't want to be accused of name-dropping.我可不想被人指责为抬出名人来提高自己的身价。They are dropping their court case against him.他们正打算撤回对他的起诉。He took a few wonky steps before dropping dead.他在暴毙之前还摇摇欲坠地走了几步。The number of abortions performed each year is dropping.每年的堕胎数量正在减少。She shortened difficult words by dropping the final syllable.她略去难单词的最后一个音节,让单词变短。In the middle of the cholera epidemic, people were dropping like flies.霍乱流行期间,人们纷纷倒下。After dropping her 3-year-old at preschool, she returns to her home office.在把三岁的孩子送到幼儿园之后,她回到了自己的家庭办公室。There's an excessive amount of name-dropping in his autobiography.他在自传里提到了太多的名人,希望借此引起别人注意。It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.看到人们在大街上乱扔垃圾,我非常生气。 |