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词汇 来访者
例句 Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.来访者可以提前一周或更早预约一个时间。The president welcomed her visitors with the usual courtesies.总统以惯常的礼仪规格欢迎来访者When answering the door, always check the identity of callers.去开门时一定要问清楚来访者的身份。The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.孩子们继续学习,不因许多来访者而分心。There's a visitor waiting for you in the lobby.有个来访者正在大厅等你。Did the visitors sign out?来访者签退了吗?Visitors must park their cars in the marked bays.来访者必须把车停在划定的区域内。Please make a copy for everybody in the office and a few extra ones for the visitors.请你给办公室里每人印一份,再多印几份给来访者The system will verify the identity of incoming visitors.这套系统会查证来访者的身份。They greeted their visitor with formal politeness.他们以正式礼节迎接来访者He was allowed a few visitors.他可以接见几位来访者The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位工作人员迎接并送至局长办公室。As visitors, the least we can do is be civil to the people in their own land.作为来访者,我们最起码能做到的就是对当地人要彬彬有礼。He welcomed the visitors with all his heart.他竭诚欢迎来访者All visitors must report to the site office.所有来访者必须向现场管理处报到。She looked an eager question at her visitor.她眼中显出急切询问的神色,看着来访者Visitors are required to register their names on arrival.来访者必须在到达时登记姓名。A constant frieze of visitors wound its way around the ruins.络绎不绝的来访者在遗址废墟周围蜿蜒行进。Wails of grief were heard as visitors filed past the site of the disaster.来访者列队走过灾难现场时听见到处都是哀号声。The guests were assembled in the hall in readiness for the arrival of the important visitor.客人们聚在大厅里,随时等待著那位重要来访者的光临。He would have to efface himself before his visitor.他得在来访者面前谦卑一些。Stephanie gaped openly at the visitors.斯蒂芬妮张着嘴傻瞪着来访者Visitors are often surprised by the opulence of the bank's offices.来访者常常惊讶于这家银行办公室的豪华。The host ushered the visitors to the door.主人把来访者们送到门口。Visitors should wait in the reception area.来访者应在接待处等候。The gold mine is no longer in use, but visitors to the mine can still pan for gold.这座金矿已被废弃,但是来访者仍然可以淘金。The householder has a duty to take reasonable care for the visitor's safety.房屋主人有责任对来访者的安全给予恰当的关照。He stared the visitor up and down.他把来访者浑身上下打量了一番。She would efface herself before her father's visitors.她总是避免在父亲的来访者面前露面。All the children had sweets and presents pressed on them by the visitors.所有孩子都被来访者硬塞了一堆糖果和礼物。The visitors were soon surrounded by a crowd of curious children.来访者很快就被一群好奇的小孩子包围了起来。That inhospitable man never offers visitors any refreshments.那人不好客,从不拿点心招待来访者Visitors are horrified by the barbarity of our manners.来访者被我们的粗鄙举止吓坏了。He got rid of the visitors, bag and baggage. 他把那些来访者连人带东西一股脑儿给赶走了The visitor was the monarch in person.来访者乃君主本人。We had a parade of visitors this morning. 今天早上我们有一连串的来访者He realized that the visitors had tricked him.他意识到来访者把他给耍了。I had visitors practically every night.我几乎每天晚上都有来访者The free information day will offer visitors the chance to tour the campus.来访者在免费咨询日有机会逛一逛校园。He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors.他喜欢与来访者进行轻松的交谈。




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