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例句 Given the sheer number of stars that exist it's a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets.仅凭现有星体的数量,从数学的角度来讲,其他星球上肯定也存在生命。To some degree I think that's right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.从某种程度上来讲我认为那是对的,但是影响这种局面的还有其他因素。The company's problems, in this regard, are certainly not unique.从这方面来讲,这些问题无疑不是公司所独有的。On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.总体来讲,美国公司在全球范围内还是产值最高。It was a great decision for her.这对她来讲是一个重大的决定。I was speaking in theoretical terms. 我只是从理论上来讲The game was all right, but it wasn't worth what I paid to watch it.比赛还算过得去,但以我付的票价来讲,还是不太值得。Public speaking does not come easily to most people.对大多数人来讲,演讲不是件容易的事。Historically and culturally, Britain has always been linked to the continent.从历史和文化上来讲,英国一直和欧洲大陆联系在一起。In general, children of educated parents tend to get better grades.大体来讲,父母受过良好教育的儿童成绩更好些。The romance was peripheral to the movie's main plot.对于电影的主要情节来讲,这段恋情是次要的。Abortion has long been a no-go topic for local politicians.对本地政治家来讲,堕胎这个话题一直是行不通的。This book is too technical for the general reader.这本书对一般读者来讲太专门化了。She assumed he'd be furious, but the whole incident just wasn't a big deal to him.她以为他会发怒,但是对他来讲整件事情没有什么大不了。On the credit side, he's always been wonderful with his mother.从优点来讲,他对他的母亲一直很好。Now we come to the section on health.现在我们来讲关于健康问题的那一节。Materially, of course, we're better off.当然,从物质方面来讲,我们是更富裕了。The prospect of putting weapons in space is frightening to many people.把武器放入太空的可能性对许多人来讲都是可怕的。For certain types of work, natural wood has distinct advantages over plastics.对于某些制品来讲,木料明显比塑料好。The reading exercise was very difficult for most of the children.对大多数儿童来讲,这一阅读练习是很难的。Marriage is just a game to them.婚姻对他们来讲不过是儿戏。As far as he's concerned, work is work, family life is family life, and never the twain shall meet.对他来讲,工作是工作,家庭生活是家庭生活,二者永远也不会扯到一块儿。On the credit side, the book is extremely well-researched.从优点来讲,这本书作了非常透彻的研究。It's basically a vegan diet.从根本上来讲,这是严格的素食主义饮食。For Jim, making money was the be-all and end-all of his job.对吉姆来讲,挣钱是最要紧的事情。Motherhood seemed to her an unending cycle of cooking, washing, and cleaning.做母亲对她来讲似乎就是整天没完没了的做饭、洗衣和打扫卫生。The city has one of the highest costs of living in the world.这个城市的生活成本在全世界来讲都排在前列。To them, I'm just another statistic in the unemployment figures.对他们来讲,我不过是失业数据里面的一个数字而已。His books have sold in the millions, but from a literary standpoint they aren't really very good.他的书销量达数百万册,但是从文学角度来讲它们不算是非常杰出的作品。The country has relatively few cinemas.相对来讲,这个国家几乎没有几家电影院。High petrol taxes are defensible on ecological grounds.从保护生态环境的角度来讲,征收高额汽油税是有道理的。The end of the Cold War was a defining moment for the world in more ways than one.从很多方面来讲,冷战的结束是世界的一个转折点。No one's work compares with hers for its practicality or efficiency.从实用性和有效性方面来讲,任何人的作品都不能和她的相比。They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit.他们发现,就收入和事业成功来讲,多高都有可能的。The revealed documents were manna for journalists.披露的文件对记者来讲是意外的收获。This battery booster is a boon for photographers.这款电池充电器对摄影师来讲非常有用。He couldn't do such a thing in all conscience.从良心上来讲,他不能做这种事。To the lay mind, these technical terms are incomprehensible.对外行人来讲,这些技术术语是无法理解的。Psychology is by definition an inexact science.从本质上来讲,心理学不是一门精确的科学。Diplomatically, the Franco-German alliance has proved unshakeable.从外交上来讲,法德联盟已证明是不可动摇的。




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