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词汇 freedom
例句 She resented the fact that I had more freedom than her.她为我比她享有更多自由而愤愤不平。Two convicts made a dramatic bid for freedom but were soon recaptured.两名囚犯想尽办法越狱,但很快又被抓了回来。The regulations were seen as a restriction on personal freedom.这些规定被视作对人身自由的限制。People here like their freedom and privacy.这里的人喜欢他们拥有的自由与隐私权。Children are allowed much more freedom these days.现在孩子们的自由大得多了。In a country where freedom of speech is guaranteed, citizens should expect to hear ideas with which they disagree.在言论自由得到保障的国家里,公民应该会听到自己不赞同的观点。He only wants freedom, justice, and equality.他只要自由、公正和平等。He fought with every fiber of his being for freedom.他全身心地为自由而战。The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion.美国宪法保证宗教信仰自由。Ralph Fiennes plays an idealistic freedom fighter.拉尔夫·法因斯扮演了一名理想主义的自由战士。The constitution guarantees freedom of the press.宪法保证新闻自由。He attacked his guards in a desperate bid for freedom.他不顾一切地想获得自由,并为此袭击了看守。Paradoxically, it was while he was in prison that he found the greatest freedom to create.说来好像很矛盾,正是在服刑期间他才获得了最大的创作自由。Ellis explains how truth and freedom are linked.埃利斯解释了真理和自由是如何相关联的。New, oppressive laws were brought in to restrict the freedom of the press.严苛的新法律被提出来以限制新闻自由。The guerrillas' desire for freedom won out over their fear of death.游击队员们对于自由的渴望战胜了对于死亡的恐惧。Winckelmann declared that art and freedom went together…温克尔曼宣称艺术与自由不可分割。People here have the freedom to practise whatever religion they like.这里的人能自由信奉自己喜欢的任何宗教。He was denied freedom of movement for a month.他被剥夺一个月的行动自由。They had planned to bargain his life for their freedom.他们原来的计划是用他的生命做交易换取他们的自由。I don't believe in fate - we all have freedom of choice.我不相信命运—我们都可以自由选择。I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less.我认为这份报告预示着会有更多、而不是更少的自由,因此对它表示欢迎。I envied him his freedom to do or say what he wanted.我羡慕他能自由自在地做自己想做的事,说自己想说的话。This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution.这使他们可以肆意到处惹是生非,而不用担心受到惩罚。They looked with longing toward freedom.他们的脸上流露出对自由的渴望。In exchange for giving evidence in court, Jacobs was granted freedom and allowed to leave the country.雅各布斯出庭作证,条件是他得到自由,获准离开这个国家。Our country must carry the torch of freedom and toleration.我们的国家必须高举自由和宽容的火炬。Muckraking cannot be justified under the banner of press freedom.揭人隐私的行为不能以新闻自由的名义予以辩解。The negotiations led to freedom for the eight hostages.谈判的结果使这八名人质获得自由。We often take our freedom for granted.我们经常不把自由当回事。The economic conditions are restricting the bank's freedom of manoeuvre.经济状况限制了银行调整策略的自由度。The sense of freedom was absolutely fantastic.自由的感觉真是太妙了。Their efforts helped the hostages gain their freedom.他们的努力帮助人质获得了自由。Up with freedom, down with repression!支持自由,反对镇压!There is bound to be a certain tension between the freedom of individuals and the need for public safety.个人自由和公共安全需求之间必定存在着某种对立。He said they were fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and freedom from want.他说他们在为言论自由而战,为信仰自由而战,为远离贫困而战。You have a certain amount of freedom to explore new techniques.你有一定自由来钻研新技术。We won't buy peace with our freedom.我们不会用自由换取和平。The Statue of Liberty embodies the spirit of freedom.自由女神像体现了热爱自由的精神。She savoured her few hours of freedom.她充分享受短短几小时的自由。




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