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词汇 almost
例句 The putrid stench of garbage was almost unbearable.垃圾的恶臭几乎让人无法忍受。In his haste to leave, he almost forgot his coat.他急于离去,差点忘了拿外套。She tripped on the stairs and almost fell.她在楼梯上绊了一下,差点摔下来。Toby saw eye to eye with Dave on almost every aspect of the production.托比和戴夫在生产的每一方面几乎都意见一致。I was almost spastic trying not to laugh.我强忍着不笑出来,但已全身颤动近乎痉挛了。My brother is almost always late.我弟弟几乎每次都要迟到。His body was limp and almost lifeless.他全身无力,快要死了。The boy's arms and hands were so thin they seemed almost transparent.那男孩的胳膊和手非常瘦小,简直就像透明的一样。Thick fog reduced visibility to almost zero.大雾使能见度几乎降到了零。To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.对局外人来说,我们为之抗争的这些议题可能看上去无关痛痒,几近滑稽。Gas and electricity have almost completely replaced coal for domestic cooking and heating in Britain.在英国,煤气和电在家居煮食和取暖方面差不多已完全取代了煤。I've almost finished.我快要做完了。For a moment she almost hated him.她一度差不多把他当成了仇人。The most disappointing dish was the chicken-filled tortellini with a pesto sauce that had almost no taste.最让人失望的菜就是那道意式鸡肉饺子,上面的香蒜酱淡而无味。The thought almost stopped me dead in my tracks.这个想法几乎让我一下子停步。Her perception of right and wrong seemed almost intuitive.她对于是非的理解力几乎带有直觉的性质。The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent.这决定得到几乎每个人的支持,只有鲍德温一人反对。We reached a beautiful grotto, whose entrance was almost hid by the vines.我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。For many companies, pitching to investors has become almost a full-time job.对于许多公司来说,向投资者推销几乎已经成为工作的全部内容了。He almost made it to the final match.他差点儿就进了决赛。The car was almost torn in half in the crash but amazingly the driver was unhurt.汽车在撞车事故中几乎被撞成两截,但不可思议的是,驾驶者却没有受伤。The rocks rose almost vertically from the lake.这些岩石几乎是垂直地从湖里冒了出来。He found it hard to resist her blandishments and almost always ended up doing as she wished.他觉得难以抵挡她的甜言蜜语,到最后几乎总是遂了她的心愿。He drank his whiskey almost bottoms up.他把杯中的威士忌几乎饮得一滴不剩。The murderer was almost certainly right-handed.几乎可以肯定凶手是惯用右手的。The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。His voice faded until it was almost inaudible.他的声音越来越弱,直到几乎听不见。The weather alters almost daily.天气几乎一日一变。These are kamikaze jobs, the ones almost guaranteed to end your career.这些是极危险的工作,差不多准保能毁了你的事业。The audience consisted almost entirely of journalists.听众几乎全都是新闻记者。I almost got into an accident with some lunatic on the highway.我在公路上差点和某个笨蛋撞车。Well, it's almost zero hour for the graduation party.好了,毕业舞会开始的时刻差不多到了。The connexion between them seems at times almost umbilical.他们之间的关系有时简直是密不可分的。Despite considerable pain she has been getting out and about almost as normal.尽管还很痛,她已经基本上行动如常。He retains an almost professorial air.他看起来颇有些教授的风度。The therapy is being promoted in some quarters almost as an elixir of eternal youth.这种疗法在一些地区几乎被宣传成了永葆青春的灵丹妙药。She was almost beside herself at the hanging incident.她见到那个吊死人的场面吓得几乎发疯。In the end they almost begged him to take the job.最终他们几乎是哀求他来做这个工作。He had an almost paternal attitude towards her.他用一种近乎慈父般的态度对待她。He almost wept in gratitude when he saw the money.看到那笔钱时,他几乎感激涕零。




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