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词汇 dream
例句 Britain's dream of herself began to fade.不列颠民族的梦想开始渐渐幻灭。The dream was very vivid.这场梦非常清晰逼真。I keep having this anxiety dream where I've forgotten to do something important.我经常做焦虑梦,梦见自己忘记了做重要的事情。The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.总统的演讲是为了重振美国梦而发出的入伍参战号召。I know it sounds corny, but I dream about her every night.我知道听起来有点老套,但我每天晚上都梦到她。After a slow dream-like opening, the play explodes into life.这出戏的开头节奏缓慢、如梦幻一般,之后却突然间变得生动有趣。It was the sort of mood perched between dream and reality.那是一种介乎梦幻和现实之间的精神状态。Planning your dream home? You can build a more realistic model with our new 3-D kit.在构划你的理想家居吗?你可以用我们新推出的三维模型建造一个更逼真的模型。With good jobs, a nice house, two children, and plenty of money, they believed they were living the American dream.拥有不错的工作、漂亮的房子、两个孩子和大把钞票,他们相信他们正实现着美国梦。He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。Our trip went like a dream.我们的旅行相当完美。He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的乌托邦之梦。You are psychic if you dream prophetically or have premonitions.如果你能在梦中预见未来或能未卜先知,就表示你有特异功能。The new car is a dream to drive. = The new car drives like a dream.那辆新车开起来棒极了。On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me.周三晚上,我做了个十分逼真的梦,让我很不安。All young footballers dream of making it to the top.所有年轻的足球运动员都梦想能够出人头地。The trip abroad was a dream come true for her. 那次出境游实现了她出国旅行的梦想。She had this romantic dream of living in a windmill.她曾经有过住在风车磨坊里的浪漫幻想。The ghost I saw in my dream was not real. It was just my hallucination.我在梦中看见的鬼不是真的,那只是我的幻觉。He gave very little thought to the prediction of the fortune-teller, and didn't dream of any short-cut to fortune.他根本不相信算命人的预言,更不梦想有任何发财的捷径。The scene in the picture was eerily similar to what I had seen in my dream.怪异的是,照片里的情景和我的梦境很相似。I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.我成为冠军,圆了我儿时的梦。I was having a bad dream.我当时正在做噩梦。I dream of living in the countryside.我渴望住在乡下。All day long I moved in a dream.我整天都精神恍惚。It's always been my dream to have flying lessons.学习飞行一直是我的梦想。Marxism was a Utopian dream.该社会制度是乌托邦式的梦想。It was his boyhood ambition/dream to become a film director.当电影导演是他儿时的志向/梦想。She's got through to an interview for her dream job.她进入了她梦寐以求的工作的面试。I had a dream that I was in an old study, surrounded by leather books.我梦见我在一间古老的书房里,四周全是皮装书。He tends to dream big but he never really does the things he dreams of doing.他总是梦想干一番事业,却从不付诸行动。He awoke from his dream as the TV station was signing off.就在电视台播映结束时,他从梦中醒来了。Her retreat into a dream world made communication impossible.她躲进梦幻世界中,旁人没法跟她交流。For many young people in rural areas, a university education seems like an unattainable dream.对边远地区的许多青年而言,大学教育似乎是一个不可企及的梦想。I dream that my son will be successful.我梦想我的儿子会成功。Her biggest dream was to become a singer.她最大的梦想是成为歌手。Many people dream of becoming famous.许多人都梦想成名。All he craves is to be allowed to smoke and dream away the rest of his life.他别无他求,只希望能允许他抽抽烟,无所事事地度过余生。Many boys dream about becoming pilots.许多男孩梦想成为飞行员。I had a strange dream last night.我昨晚做了一个奇怪的梦。




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