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词汇 drawing room
例句 The drawing room effused an atmosphere of unhappiness.客厅中流露出不愉快的气氛。We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.我们在布置得温暖而又舒适的会客厅里休息了一会儿。Following the performances there were chummy gatherings in the drawing room.演出结束后,大家友好地聚在休息室里。The Princess's sitting-room leads off the drawing room.王妃的起居室挨着客厅。The drawing room is used only on high days and holidays.这个客厅只有在特殊日子才用。Workmen were re-gilding the cornice and pelmets in the drawing room.工匠们正在给客厅的檐口和窗帘盒重新刷金色。His portrait graces the wall of the drawing room.他的画像给客厅的墙壁增添了光彩。I dashed pell-mell into the drawing room.我匆忙跑进客厅。After dinner, the guests repaired to the drawing room for coffee.晚餐后,客人们都去客厅喝咖啡了。The drawing room looked out over a huge lawn.从客厅望出去是一大片草坪。The old drawing room serves her as both sitting room and study.原来那间起居室成了她的客厅兼书房。




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