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词汇 mistaken
例句 She told an absolute corker of a story about a priest she'd mistaken for an ex-lover.她讲了件特别有趣的事,她把一位神父错当成了从前的情人。He was under the mistaken impression that I liked him.他误以为我喜欢他。Let me read the letter over, I must have mistaken the name.让我把信再看一遍,我很可能把那个名字弄错了。He was mistaken for the minister.人们错把他当作牧师了。At first glance I thought it was a dog (but I was mistaken).乍一看我还以为是一条狗呢(但是我看走眼了)。The judgment based on grounds short of actual proof may be quite mistaken.以缺乏实际证据的理由为根据作出的判断有可能是十分错误的。This is obviously a case of mistaken identity.这显然是认错了人。He came to see that he was mistaken.他终于明白自己错了。She may not be entirely mistaken in this hope.她抱这一希望可能并非完全是错的。My voice has got so low now I was mistaken for a man the other day on the phone.我的声音变得很低沉,以至于前几天在电话里被人误以为是男人。If you think it's okay to cheat in an exam, you're sadly mistaken.如果你认为考试作弊是可以的话,你就完全错了。The preacher doesn't use simple plain language, and what he says is often mistaken.这位布道教士从不使用简单明白的语言,因此他的话常常被误解。I had a mistaken view of what was happening.我对当时发生的事情曾有一种错误的认识。A mistaken person should admit that he was wrong.犯了错误的人应当承认自己错了。Sam could have been so mistaken about the meaning of the scene the evening before.昨晚那个场面可能使萨姆产生了极大的误会。The film's plot hinges on a case of mistaken identity.该电影的情节围绕着一宗身份误认案展开。We're inclined to think she was mistaken. 我们倾向于认为她搞错了。Ospreys are the best fish catchers, but they are often mistaken for the bald eagles.鱼鹰是最会抓鱼的鸟,但常与秃鹰混淆。It is unlikely he would have mistaken hocus-pocus for genuine knowledge.他不可能把难懂的术语错当成真正的知识。I had mistaken friendship for love.我误把友情当成了爱情。We soon discovered we'd been mistaken.我们很快就发现是我们错了。They arrested the wrong man. It was a case of mistaken identity.他们抓错了人。那是一个身份错认的案例。If Mr Blair thinks he is off the hook, he is sadly mistaken.布莱尔先生要是认为他已经摆脱困境,那就大错特错了。Designers are mistaken if they believe we all want to be supermodel clones.如果设计师认为我们都想成为超级名模的复制品,那他们就错了。If you think you can keep drinking so much without damaging your health, then you're mistaken.如果你认为可以继续喝这么多酒而不损害健康的话,那你错了。If you think she'll forgive you, you are sadly mistaken.如果你认为她会原谅你,那你就大错特错了。I'm afraid my Right Honourable friend is mistaken.恐怕我的朋友阁下弄错了。Unless she was very much mistaken, he was showing off for her.除非是她弄错了,他是炫耀给她看的。They assured me that I was quite mistaken.他们向我保证我完全错了。She trusted the servant in the mistaken belief that he was honest.她误认为仆人老实而信任他。When hay fever first occurs, it is often mistaken for a summer cold.花粉病发病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。I thought it was an accident, but I was mistaken.我以为是一起事故,但是我错了。Her arrest was a case of mistaken identity. 她被捕是因为警方认错了人。Husbands are often mistaken in the virtues they ascribe to their wives.做丈夫的常常会误以为妻子具有种种美德。You couldn't be more mistaken, Alex. You've utterly misread the situation.亚历克斯,你真是大错特错,你对局势的判断根本不对。I was mistaken about her age.我把她的年龄弄错了。The comedy's plot relies on a case of mistaken identity, but the joke wears thin.这出喜剧的情节依赖于角色错位,但是里面的笑料已经失去吸引力了。I took the job in the mistaken belief that I would be able to stay in Philadelphia.我接受了那份工作,错以为这样就能留在费城。It was a simple case of mistaken identity.那是一个弄错身份的简单例子。It's a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。




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