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词汇 down under
例句 He would not knuckle down under their pressure.他不会在他们的压力下屈服的。I have no intention of lying down under these accusations.我不会心甘情愿听任这些指责。We are going down under next month.下月我们要去澳大利亚和新西兰。The defendant broke down under cross-examination.被告在盘问下哭了起来。He would not knuckle down under their attacks.他不会屈服于他们的攻击。The prisoner finally broke down under intensive questioning.在强大的审问攻势下,囚犯的精神防线终于崩溃了。No one will lie down under the deep humiliation.谁也不会甘心忍受这一奇耻大辱。His leg nervously pumped up and down under the table.他紧张得一条腿在桌子下面上下抖动。The volleyball team had a successful tour down under.这支排球队在澳新地区巡回比赛很成功。They went to live down under.他们去澳大利亚生活了。The bird plucked at the down under its wing.鸟儿啄啄翅膀下的绒毛。The bird was plucking at the down under her wings.鸟啄理着翅膀下的绒羽。They lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在星光闪烁的夜空下。He snuggled down under the warm duvet.他舒适地躺在暖和的羽绒被里。We squatted down under the tree.我们在树下蹲了下来。For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand.就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。He touched the ball down under the posts.他持球在对方球门柱下触地得分。




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