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She could hear his football boots grating on the steps.她听到他的足球鞋在台阶上发出的嘎吱声。We could hear the crunch of the truck's tires on the gravel road.我们能听到卡车轮胎碾过碎石路发出的嘎吱声。The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel.唯一的声音是轮胎压在砂砾上的嘎吱声。I can hear the creak of floorboards as I move.我能听到自己走路时地板发出的嘎吱声。They drove off, tyres squealing.他们开车走了,轮胎发出刺耳的嘎吱声。They heard the scrunch of gravel.他们听到了砾石的嘎吱声。The car skidded and we could hear the crunch of metal against metal.汽车打滑了,我们听到了金属相碰的嘎吱声。The brakes emitted a loud squeal.刹车发出刺耳的嘎吱声。The car's tires squealed again as it sped around the corner.汽车快速驶过拐角时,轮胎又一次发出嘎吱声。You could hear the creaks and gurgles of the pipes.你可以听到水管的嘎吱声和汩汩声。The only sound was the creak of a sign swinging in the wind.仅有的声音是在风中摆动的告示牌的嘎吱声。The chair skidded away, squealing along the floor.椅子滑走了,擦过地板发着嘎吱声。Somewhere in the street tyres were squealing.街道上的某个地方轮胎在发出长长的嘎吱声。 |