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词汇 door
例句 The accident shut the door on her ballet career.那次事故使她的芭蕾舞生涯终结了。In a dream I saw them off at the door. Then I sat down to wait for the morning.我神志恍惚地把他们送到门口,然后坐下来等待早晨的来临。She lingered for a moment at the door.她在门口逗留了一会儿。When there was no reply, he pushed the door open.没有人应答,他就把门推开了。Sam leant over to open the door of the car.萨姆俯身去开车门。Is he the guy who used to live next door to you?他就是那个以前住在你家隔壁的人吗?That'll be Scott at the door.敲门的可能是斯科特。He came in through a side door to avoid the crowds.他从侧门进来以避开人群。He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him.他正准备关门,突然想到一个主意。The door slowly opened and a small boy entered the room.门慢慢打开,一个小男孩走进了房间。Are you sure you locked the front door?.你确定锁了前门吗?She quietly closed the door to the baby's room, and at just that precise moment the phone began to ring.她轻轻地关上宝宝房间的门,就在这时电话铃声响了起来。She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open.她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。An alert watchdog guarded the door.一只警觉的看门狗看守着大门。I closed the door behind me.我随手关上了身后的门。The door slammed and Rita woke up with a jump.砰的关门声把丽塔猛地惊醒了。I wish you wouldn't slam the door. It makes the floor shake.希望你不要用力摔门,这样会使地板震动。Such ideas are next door to madness.这些想法近乎疯狂。The door opens outwards.门是朝外开的。He caught his coattails in the door.他衣服的后下摆被门夹住了。The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it.门朝里摆去,撞到了后面的大衣柜。He pressed his back against the door.他后背紧紧靠在门上。I tried the door but it was locked.我试着打开这扇门,然而已被上了锁。She pounded on the door with both fists.她用两个拳头捶门。He nudged the door open with his knee.他用膝轻轻顶开门。She slipped a note underneath the door.她从门下面塞进一个纸条。They kicked the door in and charged through.他们踹开门冲了进去。The door creaked on its hinges.门打开时合页处嘎吱作响。He pulled the drapes shut, locked the door behind him.他把帘子拉严,转身把门锁好。I bet I can beat you to the front door!我打赌我能比你先到前门。He went up the garden path to knock on the door.他沿花园小径走上前去敲门。Brett marched out of the office, slamming the door behind him.布雷特大步走出办公室,砰的一声摔上了门。Rachel burst out as the door was flung open again.当门又一次被推开时,蕾切尔出现了。A mysterious stranger came to our door.一个神秘的陌生人来到我们门前。She cautiously closed the door.她小心翼翼地关上门。I tried to push the door open but it was stuck.我想把门推开,但门卡住了。The door squeaked open.门嘎吱一声开了。She jerked her head in the direction of the door.她朝门口猛一扭头。There's Ryan at the door. Let him in, would you?瑞安在门口,你让他进来好吗?The noise seemed to be coming from next door.嘈杂声好像是从隔壁房间传出来的。




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