例句 |
Don't let perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started.不要借口追求完美而从不行动。Don't make too much of the test results.别把考试结果太当回事。Try it. Don't be such a coward.试一下,别那么胆小。Don't write down your PIN number, memorize it.别把你的个人身份识别号码写出来,要把它记住。Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.不用专门擦干平底锅——让它自己干就行了。Don't be deceived by the new cover – this is a rehash of old hits.别上新封面的当,这是老歌新编版。Don't stress —there's plenty of time to finish the job.别担心,有足够的时间干完活。Don't panic, there's bags of time yet.别慌,还有很多时间。Don't do anything without checking with me.同我接头前别采取任何行动。Don't be such a worm. You don't have to lie to me.别这么懦弱,你不必向我撒谎的。Don't worry about her—she's a tough cookie.别为她担心,她是个坚强的人。Don't try to poke into other people's business.别探听别人的事情。Don't scratch - the rash will get infected.别搔痒,不然的话皮疹会感染的。Don't let that salesman fleece you.不要上那个推销员的当。Don't scratch - it will only make the itching worse.别挠痒,只会越挠越痒。Don't be so hateful.别这么可恨。Don't go upstairs - Mom's still getting dressed.别上楼—妈妈还在穿衣服。Don't trample mud from your shoes on to the floor; I've just this minute swept it.不要把你鞋上的泥踩在地板上,我刚才扫过地。Don't be caught short! Make sure you stock up on supplies before you set out on your trip.别少了什么!旅行出发前你一定要备好充足的用品。Don't let all this good food go to waste!别让这好好的食物给糟蹋了!"Don't you worry about a thing. Everything's going to be just fine," smiled Robin reassuringly.“别担心,一切都会很好的,”罗宾微笑着安慰道。Don't forget to back up all the new files you create.别忘记给新建文档作备份。Don't go putting ideas into his head. We can't afford a new car.别让他有什么奢望,我们买不起新车。Don't show these letters to anyone else.不要给其他任何人看这些信。Don't boss me around!不要对我发号施令!Don't waste your breath. He never listens to advice.不要白费口舌了,他从来不听任何劝告。Don't complain that you're bored, or Dad will set you to work.别抱怨说你很无聊,不然爸爸会让你为他干活。Don't fool around with that gun.别乱动那支枪。Don't you ever feel the need to take a vacation?你从来就不觉得需要休假吗?Don't lie to me.别对我说谎。Don't forget to lock the car.别忘了把车锁上。Don't come the fine gentleman with me.别对我装出文质彬彬的绅士样子。Don't close your ears to criticism.不要把批评当耳边风。Don't you see it was just in fun? You got it all wrong.你没看出那不过是开开玩笑吗?你完全误解了。Don't use too much shaving cream or the razor will clog.不要用太多的剃须膏,否则剃刀会被堵住。Don't be deluded into thinking your house is burglarproof.别误以为你的房子是防盗的。Don't be discouraged by setbacks.别因挫折而泄气。Don't do it like that, you numskull!别那样做,你这个笨蛋!Don't tell me he actually paid for you!别跟我说他居然替你付了钱!Don't try to ram against the inevitable.不要与必然性顶牛抗争。 |