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例句 I have distinct memories of him in his last years.我清楚地记得他最后几年的情况。You should make your writing distinct.你应把字写清楚。She's a personal assistant, as distinct from a secretary.她是私人助理而不是秘书。Each herb has its own distinct flavor.每种药草都有其独特的味道。I had the distinct impression that he did not like me.我明显感觉他不喜欢我。The artist had a distinct touch.那位艺术家独具一格。The outline of the ship became more distinct.船的轮廓变得更加清晰了。Any system of art should bear the impress of a distinct individuality.任何艺术谱系都应该带有鲜明个性的印记。It's not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories.这两个类别无法泾渭分明地区分开来。On the horizon we saw the distinct shape of a barn and silo.在地平线上,我们看到谷仓和青贮塔的清晰轮廓。The various dialects are quite distinct from one another.各种方言之间存在着相当大的差异。Bankruptcy remains a distinct possibility.显然仍可能破产。As dawn broke, the outline of a building became distinct against the sky.天亮时建筑物的轮廓在天空的衬托下显得十分清晰。His lethal backhand gave him a distinct advantage over his opponent.他有力的反手击球使他比起对手具有明显的优势。Basketball has a distinct lingo.篮球有专门的术语。These writers form a distinct class in Russian literature.这些作家在俄罗斯文坛自成一派。She manages to project a very distinct personality.她设法表现出非常鲜明的个性。There was the distinct smell of something burning.有一股明显的东西烧焦的气味。The period can be divided into three distinct phases.这一时期可以分为三个截然不同的阶段。When did sociology emerge as a distinct discipline?社会学是何时成为独立学科的?He speaks with a distinct Southern accent.他说话带有明显的南方口音。There was a distinct lack of urgency in his manner.他的做事方式明显缺乏紧迫感。We had the distinct impression that they were lying.我们确实感到他们在说谎。I smelled the distinct odour of something burning.我明显地闻到了东西烧焦的糊味。Punks, soldiers and hippies all have distinct hair styles, peculiar to their group.朋克族、士兵和嬉皮士都有他们群体所特有的发型。Mitchell's height gives him a distinct advantage over the other players.米切尔的身高使他比其他球员有明显的优势。The twins had distinct tastes.这两个双胞胎嗜好不同。These results are a distinct improvement on last year's.这些结果与去年相比有明显提高。The phrase has three distinct meanings.这个短语有三种不同的意思。They were classified into two distinct groups.他们被归入两种不同类型的群体。I got/had the distinct impression that they didn't mean to stay long.我明显感觉到他们并不打算久留。There are two distinct factions within the one political party.在同一政党内有两个不同的派系。We were at a distinct disadvantage compared with children from richer families.与较富裕家庭的孩子相比,我们处于明显的劣势。This book is divided into two distinct parts.这本书分为内容不同的两个部分。The party is divided into two distinct camps over the legislation.该党在这项立法上很鲜明地分为两大阵营。Despite a distinct feeling of anxiety, he sees no alternative.尽管内心非常不安,但他别无他法。There was a distinct note of annoyance in her reply.她的回答带有明显的厌烦口气。These populations have managed to maintain distinct identities.这些人群总算保持了鲜明的特色。The author has broken down the nation's history into three distinct periods.作者把这个国家的历史分为三个不同的时期。The mammoth was related to, but distinct from, modern elephants.猛犸象与现代的大象既有关联又有区别。




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