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词汇 division
例句 We're relocating our educational software division to North Carolina.我们正在把教育软件部门搬迁到北卡罗来纳。He attacked those who sowed dismay and division.他抨击那些散布悲观情绪和煽动分裂的人。The teams play in a tight division.各队势均力敌地进行比赛。If we don't get a result tonight we'll be put down into a lower division.今晚的比赛如果打不赢,我们球队就要降级了。The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.当前工人与管理部门的分工将会改变。He was somebody in the law division.他在法律部门是个人物。There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.要简单测试加法、减法、乘法和除法。We have several openings in the sales division.我们的销售部有几个空缺。There was a deep division in the Republican Party over policy on Central America.在中美洲问题上,共和党内有着严重的分歧。Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in central London.有组织犯罪调查处的警察已经突击搜查了位于伦敦中心的一些公司。The essence of dialectical thought is division.辩证思维的核心就是二分法。There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.会有对加、减、乘、除运算的简单测试。She finished third in her division at the national championships.她在全国锦标赛上获得这一级别的第三名。The issue caused division within the group.这一问题导致了组织内部的分歧。Fairness demanded an equal division of the winnings.要做到公正,就要平均分配赢得的钱。At Rockwell International he had turned around a badly performing division.在洛克威尔国际有限公司,他使一个业绩糟糕的部门有了起色。The infantry division is made up of five brigades.该步兵师由五个旅组成。They agreed on a fair division of the profits.他们一致同意对收益进行合理分配。He resigned three years later, because he did not concur with the division of the country into separate republics.三年以后他辞去职务,因为他不同意将国家分裂成一些独立的共和国。I work in the administration division as a mail mover.我在管理部门做邮递员。The division was under the command of General George.这个师由乔治将军指挥。A researcher from our division gave a talk today about recent advances in cancer treatment.我们部门的一名研究员今天作了有关癌症治疗最新发展的报告。He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company.他挽救了公司,后来把其纺织部门分拆成了一个独立的公司。You can make a rough division of his music into 'light' and 'serious'.你可以把他的音乐粗略地分为轻音乐和严肃音乐。Steve climbed rapidly in the sales division.史蒂夫在销售部晋升得很快。The company is about to sell its ailing publishing division.公司即将要出售其处境艰难的出版分公司。The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby.球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not division.我们党鼓励文化多元化,而不是文化分歧。A line of trees served as a division between our property and theirs.一排树将我们的房产和他们的房产分隔开来。This division will play a lead role in the battle.这个师将在战役中起最重要的作用。I started with one plant and by division now have three.开始时我只有一棵,通过分株繁殖现在有了三棵。The team still stands first in the division.球队在赛区中仍然名列第一。The local club has been relegated to the second division.当地俱乐部队已被降为乙级。The function of this gene is to block the uncontrolled division of cells; it therefore prevents the development of cancer.这种基因的作用是阻止细胞失控地分裂,从而防止癌症。The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains.繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。They will accept no agreement that legitimizes the ethnic division of the country.他们不会接受任何使国家民族分裂合法化的协议。The decision reportedly caused a division between the two women.这个决定据说导致了这两个女人的决裂。Keegan's team have been cutting an irresistible swathe through the first division.基冈的球队在甲级赛中所向披靡。She is the head of our sales division.她是我们销售部的领导。The division went into reserve after several weeks of hard fighting.这个师在几星期的激战后转为预备队。




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