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词汇 dissent
例句 Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb.反对核武器的声音开始响起来了。Few historians would dissent from this view.历史学家中几乎没有对此观点持异议的。Political dissent was brutally suppressed.持不同政见者遭到了残酷的镇压。He made it clear that he would brook no dissent.他很清楚地表示他不容许有异议。The right to dissent is part of our political system.有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。Church leaders permitted no dissent from church teachings.教会领袖不允许对教会的教义有不同意见。The resolution was approved without dissent.这项决议案被一致通过。The company does not encourage any dissent from the party line.公司不鼓励对政党路线持不同意见。It is easier to register dissent in the Internet era.在因特网时代表达不同意见更为简单。There are many ways of expressing dissent.表达不同意见有许多途径。The regime tried to silence dissent with a programme of mass murder.当权政府试图通过大屠杀来压制反对的声音。The voices of dissent grew louder.反对之声日渐高涨。Detecting some dissent, the prison officer assumed a more official manner.发觉意见存在分歧,狱警就愈发摆出一副官样来。He banned political parties and crushed dissent.他取缔政党,压制不同意见。Today's council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.今天的理事会会议已经过精心安排,以避免爆出令人难堪的讯息或显示出内部不和的迹象。The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent.争论导致对该全国性组织不能容忍异议的指责。Political dissent would no longer be tolerated.政见不和将不再被容忍。Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.自尼克松上台时,反战呼声日渐高涨。No action was taken, and his reward for dissent was a caution.对于他不服从裁判没有进行任何惩罚,只是给予警告。It's obvious that the purpose of this law is to silence dissent.很明显,这项法律的目的在于压制异议。The President now faces bitter dissent over his farm policies.总统现在面临对其农业政策的激烈的歧见。Political dissent is not tolerated.政治上的歧见是不可容忍的。He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.他是迄今最强硬的军事统治者,对任何异议都严厉打压。She argued in her dissent that Congress had exceeded its authority.她在所提的异议中指出国会越权了。Just as soon as the President voiced his dissent, his advisors talked him down.总统刚出声表示异议,他的顾问就立刻说服他打消这个念头。The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。Two jurors signified their dissent.两位陪审员表示了异议。The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.这个政权残酷压制所有不同意见。During the Prime Minister's speech there were several murmurs of open dissent from the crowd.首相在演说时,人群中几次有人窃窃私语地公开表示反对。I made a gesture of dissent.我做了个表示不同意的手势。Rooney was booked for dissent after the referee failed to award United a penalty. 裁判没有判曼联队获得点球,鲁尼表示异议,从而因不服裁判被记名警告。The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent.这决定得到几乎每个人的支持,只有鲍德温一人反对。The price tag on dissent can be awfully high.因为意见不一而付出的代价有时会高得骇人。He did everything in his power to suppress political dissent.他尽其所能压制不同的政治意见。Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration.约翰逊政府时期,反战呼声多次引发了有组织的示威游行。He was accused of sowing dissent and disaffection among the troops.他被指在军队里挑拨离间。No one dared dissent from the official party line.没有人敢于对执政党的方针路线持异议。His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.他与家人宗教信仰的分歧招致了许多猜忌。The war provoked strong dissent.战争引起了重大分歧。No logical person will dissent from that view.任何有逻辑头脑的人都不会对那个观点有异议。




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