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词汇 dispersed
例句 The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback.人群被骑著马的警察所驱散。He dismissed his helpers and everyone dispersed about his business.他打发帮忙的人离开,各人便分头去干自己的事了。The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback.人群被骑警驱散了。The population in this area is very widely dispersed.这一地区人口稀疏。These jobs are more spatially dispersed throughout the country.这些工作在全国范围内分布得更为分散。We dispersed on foot to retrieve the kill.我们分头步行找回打中的猎物。Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas.警察用催泪毒气驱散暴乱者。The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.人群在祈祷完毕后平静地散去。Members of her family are now dispersed around the world.现在她的家人分散在世界各地。The clouds dispersed as quickly as they had gathered.云聚集得快,散得也快。After their sneak attack on the capital's main airport was repelled, the insurgents dispersed.偷袭首都主要机场遭击退后,叛乱者作鸟兽散。The fog gradually dispersed as the day grew warmer.随着气温逐渐上升,雾渐渐散开了。After school the children dispersed to their homes.放学后孩子们各自回家去。The police dispersed the crowd.警察驱散了人群。The crowd dispersed in a peaceable manner.人群平静地散开了。The boats were laid up and the crews dispersed.船只被搁置,船员被遣散。Police dispersed the protesters.警方驱散了抗议者。The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.祈祷仪式过后,人们静静散去。Because the town sits in a valley, air pollution is not easily dispersed.因为小镇坐落在山谷中,空气污染不太容易散去。They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups.他们零星散居在安第斯山脉的高处。After the ambulance drove off, the crowd dispersed.救护车开走后,人群就散开了。The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness.年轻人散开了,消失在夜幕之中。School dispersed for the summer vacation.师生散去,学校放暑假了。The crowd was dispersed by police using tear gas and birdshot.警察用催泪瓦斯和小号铅弹驱散了人群。Police in riot gear dispersed the demonstration.防暴警察驱散了示威人群。The soldiers dispersed and vanished into the woods.士兵们四散开来,消失在了树林里。Birds dispersed the seeds.鸟类将种子散播开来。The crowd dispersed without protest.人群没有抗议就散去了。Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered.警察驱散了聚在一起的人群。As the sun rose the fog dispersed.太阳一出来,雾随之消失。It took some two hours before the crowd was fully dispersed.大概花了两个小时才把人群全部疏散完。The clouds dispersed , revealing blue sky above.云散了,露出蔚蓝色的天空。The militia dispersed the rioters.民兵驱散了暴乱者。The seeds are dispersed over a wide area.种子被散布到广泛的区域。




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