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词汇 disjointed
例句 The script was disjointed and hard to follow.这个剧本写得没有条理,很难读下去。Sally was used to his disjointed, drunken ramblings.萨莉习惯了他醉酒后毫无逻辑的胡言乱语。He is rather disjointed when he ad-libs.他即兴表演时,有些语无伦次。Her arm was disjointed during the struggle.扭打中她胳膊脱臼。From his disjointed ramblings, I gathered he didn't like doctors much.我从他杂乱无章的絮絮叨叨推断,他不太喜欢医生。He disjointed his wrist when he fell.他跌跤时把手腕摔脱了臼。The plot is disjointed and inconsistent.情节支离破碎,前后矛盾。Burley was critical of his team's disjointed performance.伯利批评他的队员各自为战。She could hardly follow their disjointed conversation.他们的对话毫无条理,她几乎听不懂。His language is disjointed and sloppy.他的语言支离破碎,混乱不堪。Great Britain was disjointed from her colonies.英属殖民地脱离了英国。




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