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Prescription charges can be a disincentive to patients taking medicines that they need.收取处方费可能会阻碍病人服用自己需要的药物。Any further increase in benefits would be a disincentive to working.进一步提高救济金就会遏制人们的工作热情。The complicated application process was a disincentive to volunteering our time.复杂的申请过程打消了我们做志愿者的念头。High interest rates can be a disincentive to expanding a business.高利率对企业扩展业务会是个抑制因素。These rules are a disincentive to investment.这些规定会阻碍投资。High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.高边际税率可能会对加班起到抑制作用。The tax would be a big disincentive to expanding its monopoly.这一税项会大大遏制其垄断地位的扩展。These liberal social policies are a disincentive to marriage.这些开明的社会政策对婚姻是个遏制因素。This is a disincentive to employers.这是对雇主的限制。We considered volunteering, but the complicated application process was a disincentive.我们考虑过做志愿者,但复杂的申请过程打消了我们的念头。 |