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词汇 成群
例句 Flashing lights picked out groups of dancers at random.闪光灯随意照向成群的舞者。Herds of buffalo roamed these plains.成群的水牛漫步在这些平原上。There were crowds of shoppers in the street.街上有成群成群的购物者。Gangs of youths broke shop windows.成群的男青年砸碎了商店的玻璃橱窗。You can find whole regiments of birds on the islet.在那个小岛上你可以看到成群的鸟。The Thames was in spate, with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver.泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。They used to live in a big house with lots of servants, but they've come down in the world since then.他们曾经住在一所大房子里,仆役成群,可后来家道中落。She dresses down in baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.为了避免被成群的崇拜者围追,她穿上了宽松的便装。Criminals often form into gangs.犯罪分子常常成群结帮。The caterpillars feed in large colonies.毛毛虫总是成群进食。This time of year is perfect to visit New York because it isn't overrun with the hordes of tourists.每年的这个时候去纽约最好,因为不会到处都是成群的游客。Crowds celebrated the downfall of the old regime.成群的人们欢庆旧政权的垮台。The commuters herded onto the train.通勤者成群地上了列车。Groups of travelers were everywhere that summer.那年夏天到处都是成群的游客。Ants swarmed up out of the ground and covered her shoes and legs.蚂蚁从地下成群地钻出来,爬满了她的鞋子和双腿。Crowds of pacifists protested against the war.成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。Groups of children were playing in the dirt.成群的孩子在泥地里玩。Seabirds flocked above our heads.海鸟成群地从我们头上飞过。People swarmed to the shops, buying up everything in sight.人们成群地涌向商店,见什么买什么。The birds can be seen singly or in groups.这种鸟既可以看到单只的,也可以看到成群的。They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.它们属于群居鸟,成群地觅食。People mobbed pharmacies to buy antibiotics and tranquillizers.人们成群涌入药店购买抗生素和镇静剂。I look around me at the massed ranks of reporters.我看看周围成群的记者。Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.他所到之处都有成群的歌迷簇拥着他。During the dry season animals gather in large numbers around the water holes.旱季里,动物成群地聚集在水洼周围。The explosions took place as crowds of people were shopping.爆炸发生时,成群的人正在购物。Wild dogs usually hunt in packs.野狗通常成群猎食。Bees swarmed around the apple tree.苹果树周围是成群的蜜蜂。The animals hunt in packs.这类动物成群猎食。The crowds congregated in the square to hear the president speak.成群的人聚集在广场上听总统演讲。Crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat.在夏日的高温下,成群的购物者感到酷热难耐。Some pocket hunters worked on the theory that pockets always occurred in groups of three.有些寻矿者相信矿囊总是三个三个地成群存在。The shopping mall was mobbed by herds of adolescent females.购物广场挤满了成群的小娘儿们。In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets.在勒克瑙,成群的人们违抗宵禁令到街上去庆祝。The square was clustered with people.广场上聚集著成群的人。At night, packs of savage dogs roamed the streets.夜里,成群的恶狗在街上游荡。Crowds make me claustrophobic.成群成群的人让我感到幽闭恐怖。Saturday-morning shoppers were herding along the sidewalk.星期六上午上街购物的人群在人行道上成群走过。People entered the park by/in the dozens. 人们成群地涌进公园。On a hot, muggy day people head for the beaches in droves.在闷热天人们成群地去海滩。




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