例句 |
Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.两周后飞蛾就会变成成虫形态。The earthbound larvae from which they develop are less pretty, but just as predatory.幼虫生活在地面上,不像成虫后那么美丽,但是同样会捕食。The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature.毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。The winged adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupae.长了翅膀的蚊子成虫从蛹中钻了出来。Soon the skin of the pupa splits open, and the fully-formed adult butterfly emerges.不久,蛹皮裂开,完全成形的蝴蝶成虫破蛹而出。 |