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例句 I think we've discussed everything we need to - by the way, what time is it?我想需要讨论的问题我们都讨论了——顺便问一下,几点了?It will be discussed at talks between the two countries.两国会谈时将讨论这问题。He spoke in generalities as he discussed his plans for the future.在讨论他的未来计划时他只是泛泛而谈。The jurors discussed the evidence and made/based their decision thereupon.陪审团讨论了证据,并就此做出了决定。At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Japan.会上,除了其他议题外,他们还讨论了日本近来发生的事件。The two countries have not reached agreement on the issues discussed.两国尚未就所讨论的问题达成一致。We discussed the issue in some depth.我们对这个问题进行了一定深度的讨论。We discussed the problem at some length.这个问题我们讨论了很长时间。The report will be discussed at next week's meeting.这份报告将在下周的会议上讨论。The question of divorce was discussed and argued out in the frankest tones.对离婚问题进行了最为坦诚的探讨并得出了结论。The dictates of my father were not to be altered, innovated or even discussed.父命不容改变,更动,甚至议论。We discussed the matter of whether or not to hire a bus.我们讨论了是否要租辆大巴的问题。The last sentence in a paragraph should form a lead-in to what is to be discussed in the next paragraph.一段的最后一句应承上启下,引入下一段要讨论的内容。These issues have been discussed in the local assemblies.这些问题已经在当地议会里讨论过了。We discussed the country's legacy of slavery. 我们讨论了这个国家蓄奴制的遗患。We discussed the morality of telling lies to protect someone.我们讨论过为保护某人而说谎的道德性。We discussed our plans during the crossing.在横渡期间我们讨论了计划。We discussed the representation of women in Jane Austen's novels.我们讨论了简·奥斯汀小说中对女性的描写。This will be discussed in the next chapter.这将在下一章讨论。In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far.在这一章节里,我们把到目前为止所讨论的主要问题压缩成概要形式。A number of other theories will be discussed in the following chapters.接下来的章节将阐述其他一些理论。This suggestion is discussed in more detail below.这个建议在下文会更详细地加以讨论。They discussed the theory that the Jews are a pure race.他们讨论了犹太人是纯正血统种族的说法。We discussed different ways of dealing with the problem.我们讨论了处理这个问题的不同方法。The problem of neocolonialism was discussed in the history book.这本历史书讨论了新殖民主义的问题。There are still a few residual problems to be discussed.尚有几个余留的问题需要讨论。The matter is being argued and discussed in families up and down the country.全国上下每家每户都在争论、讨论这个话题。We discussed unemployment and related issues.我们探讨了失业及相关问题。The question is discussed elsewhere in the book.该问题在书中别处另有讨论。The proposals have been widely discussed in the media.这些提议已经在媒体上进行了广泛讨论。Colin told me of how the subject was finally discussed through the agency of a third party.科林告诉我这个问题是如何最终通过第三方的调解加以讨论的。We discussed the pros and cons of going to university.我们讨论了上大学的利与弊。The two men discussed a range of issues.那两个人讨论了一系列问题。These and other issues will be discussed at the next meeting.这些问题以及另外一些问题将在下一次会议上讨论。It will be discussed tomorrow.此事将在明天讨论。They discussed a plan to preserve the world's tropical forests.他们讨论了一个保护世界热带森林的计划。A broad range of issues was discussed.讨论涉及了范围十分广泛的一系列议题。The decision was discussed and agreed at board level.这个决定经过董事会讨论并且通过了。We will send you an invoice as discussed.我们将按照讨论过的那样寄给你们一张发票。The question was never discussed in substance.这问题实际上从来没有讨论过。




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