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词汇 discomfort
例句 Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain.史蒂夫有些不舒服,但并没有真的病痛。To the discomfort of its citizens, the city has a neo-Nazi on the City Council.该市有一名新纳粹分子任市议会议员,这使市民们感到忐忑不安。Some of the patients complained of discomfort.其中一些病人主诉有不适感。She was deriving a perverse pleasure from his discomfort.她为他的不安而幸灾乐祸。These new developments are being watched with discomfort by many of our allies.我们的众多同盟国都不安地注视着事态的新进展。She hears the discomfort in his voice.她听出了他声音中的窘迫。I didn't have much discomfort after the operation.手术后我并未觉得很不舒服。Within a few days she had become seriously ill, suffering great pain and discomfort.几天的时间,她就病得很严重了,疼痛难忍,周身不舒服。If the exercise causes discomfort, stop immediately.如果这项锻炼引起不适就立即停止。There's a limit to the amount of discomfort anyone can put up with.任何人对不适都有一个忍耐的限度。He seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort.他似乎在从她的不安中寻开心。Her discomfort amused him greatly.她的不自在使他觉得极其好笑。Roberts attempted to make light of his discomfort.罗伯茨试图不把他的苦恼当回事。The others seemed to find my discomfort hugely entertaining.我觉得很尴尬,其他人却似乎觉得这非常有趣。He writhed his body in great discomfort.他感到很不舒服而扭动身体。She tried to relieve the discomfort through the adoption of a more comfortable position on the sofa.她试图在沙发上摆出更舒服的姿势来缓解不适。The patient is still experiencing some discomfort.病人仍感到有些不舒服。This will enable the patient to move with a minimum of discomfort.这能使病人移动时痛苦减至最轻。His discomfort was increased considerably by the look of displeasure on the face of the waiter.看着服务员一脸的不高兴,他越发觉得不舒服了。He became conscious of a growing discomfort.他感到越来越不舒服。Stiffness and discomfort can usually be eased with heat or a warm bath.肌肉酸痛和身体不适通常可以通过热敷或洗热水澡得到缓解。To her discomfort, he laughed.令她尴尬的是他笑了起来。You should be able to drive without discomfort after about two weeks.大约两周之后你就可以开车了,不会感到任何不适。Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others.邓肯常常会夸大自己的不如意,对别人的不如意轻描淡写。After three days Marie was still in discomfort, but well enough to be discharged.三天后玛丽仍然觉得不舒服,但已经可以出院了。He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion.他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。He appeared to be in great discomfort.他看上去很难受。Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效。Not eating late at night should help to relieve the discomfort.避免深夜进食应有助于减轻不适。His behaviour caused us great discomfort and annoyance.他的行为使我们感到非常难堪和恼火。Use a cooling gel to relieve the discomfort of sunburn.用一块退热软冻胶可以减轻太阳灼伤产生的不适。Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain.史蒂夫有些不适,但不是真疼。He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken.他唱得很拘谨,声音听起来像是某个还没完全变声的男孩。You may experience some slight discomfort after the operation.手术后你会感到稍稍有些不适。The disease causes acute physical discomfort.这种疾病会引起极度的肉体痛苦。After a time it was no longer a discomfort.过了一阵,也就不以为苦了。Paula smiled, enjoying her sister's discomfort.看到姐姐难堪的样子,葆拉幸灾乐祸地笑了。The revelations caused some discomfort to the president.披露的事件使总统有些尴尬。I tried not to show my discomfort with the situation.我尽量不表露出我对境况的不安。A dozen people were watching her, smirking at her discomfort.有十来个人在看着她,对她不安的样子幸灾乐祸地笑着。




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