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I must go and buy some refills for my ballpoint pen.我得去给圆珠笔买几支笔芯。Can I bum a few smokes off you?能给我几支烟吗?The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.墙上唯一的装饰是几支蜡烛和一面镜子。Her numbers ranged from terrible to so-so.她演唱的几支歌曲,有的还过得去,有的却很糟糕。Red roses can bring a dash of romance to your evening.几支红玫瑰能为你们的夜晚增添一点浪漫。He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag.他的运动包里有一个棒球和几支球棒。Her numbers were well received.她演唱的几支歌曲很受欢迎。He lined out a few songs upon request.他应要求唱了几支歌。She dived into her bag and produced cigarettes.她立即把手伸进包里掏出几支烟来。Some shanties, sung by a chorus, are full of stingo.合唱队演唱的几支水手号子充满了活力。Nash has already been approached by several pro football teams.几支专业足球队已经与纳什接洽过。Nakamura dances several solos in this production.中村在这出舞剧中跳了几支独舞。The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours.这几支队伍与其邻近地区队伍交手时锐气更盛。I have bagged some of your cigarettes.我拿过几支你的香烟。Several lit candles highlighted the faces.几支点燃的蜡烛照亮了众人的面孔。There are some pens in my desk drawer.我书桌的抽屉里有几支钢笔。We got a couple of name bands for the show.为了这次表演我们请了几支著名的乐队。 |