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词汇 几条
例句 He wrote a few more notes on the board.他在黑板上又写了几条注释。Why are those dogs kicking up such a row? Can't somebody keep them quiet?几条狗为什么叫得这样凶?不能使它们安静下来?Colombia is watered by several rivers.几条江河流经哥伦比亚。Several towels hung over the side of the bath.几条毛巾搭在浴缸边。She banished the dogs to the basement during the party.朋友聚会时,她把几条狗都关在了地下室。Several highways crisscross the state.几条公路纵横全州。Kate pulled the blankets over the girl and chafed her hands.凯特拉了几条毯子盖在女孩身上并搓热她的双手。He has ridden Europe's railroads for years.多年来他一直乘坐欧洲的几条铁路线旅行。Congress passed several new laws on the environment. 国会通过了几条新的环境法规。The heavy rain made it necessary to close several roads.大雨使得有必要封闭几条马路。Some streets are not level in the city.城里有几条街道不平坦。The ships wailed dismally to one another.几条船凄凉地相互鸣响汽笛。There, high in the blue, were several white vapour trails left by our fighters.在那晴空高处有几条我军战斗机留下的白色拉烟。He was clearly responsible for the deaths and must be punished.很明显,断送了几条人命,他要承担责任,必须受到惩罚。The area is linked by a series of canals.这一地区由几条运河连接起来。We zipped through the store to find my sister some jeans.为了给我妹妹买几条牛仔裤,我们在商店里东奔西走。I might buy a couple more of those scarves.我也许会多买几条那种围巾。There are a couple of fish with blue markings, and a few more with gold stripes down the side.这有几条带蓝色斑点的鱼,那边还有几条带金色条纹的。We keep dogs in the yard to drive off intruders.我们在院子里养着几条狗以赶走不速之客。The dogs mustered several thousand animals.几条狗把几千头牲口赶拢在一起。We caught several fish.我们抓了几条鱼。Here are a few safeguards I recommend to my clients.这是我给客户建议的几条防护措施。The man knotted some sheets together to climb down to the next floor.这个人将几条床单牢牢系在一起,顺床单爬到了下一层。A few old raggedy quilts were used to wrap the kids up to keep them as warm as possible.用了几条破破烂烂的旧被子把孩子们包裹起来,使他们尽可能保暖。The river is fed by several small tributaries.这条河由几条小支流汇合而成。Here and there in those streets houses were being smartened up.几条街道到处都在装修房屋。The dogs came in, trailing mud everywhere.几条狗跑了进来,弄得到处都是泥。He made a few notes to remind himself of what he wanted to say.他写下几条笔记,提醒自己要说些什么。The rail company plans to open several new lines over the next five years.铁路公司计划在未来五年再开几条新线路。The police were following up several leads.警方正循几条线索彻底调查。My mother is keeping my dogs while I'm away.我不在时妈妈替我喂养我的那几条狗。The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.整个信仰体系是建立在几条简单的原则基础之上的。He was a little afraid to hit those streets.他有点儿怕走那几条街。I tore the old towel into rags.我把旧毛巾撕成了几条抹布。The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.几条狗追逐着猎物进了一座空仓库。He guided us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.他带领我们穿过几条狭窄的街道,来到中央清真寺。He made several helpful suggestions.他提了几条很有帮助的建议。His dogs were gambolling round him.他的几条狗围着他蹦蹦跳跳。It says in the guide that this area offers some of the best walks in England.旅行指南上说这一乡村地区有几条英格兰最好的徒步线路。The roads/rivers join each other near here.几条道路/河流在这附近汇合。




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