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词汇 课文
例句 The text is approachable, coping well with quite complicated subjects.这篇课文把相当复杂的主题讲述得深入浅出、通俗易懂。Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons.我们的教科书有许多图表帮助解释课文I'll play back the text once more.我把课文录音再重放一遍。This text is rather to be deleted than rewritten.这篇课文与其重写还是删去为好。She read the whole text without a pause.她一口气读完了整篇课文The child's recitation of the text was letter-perfect.孩子背诵这篇课文一字不差。Under the old system pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons parrot fashion.在旧体制下,学生常常得立正站好,机械地重复课文He memorized the whole text in nothing flat.他很快就把全篇课文记住了。The lesson is difficult to follow.这课课文很难理解。His early plays are set texts in universities.他早期的戏剧作品现在是大学指定课文Help your students to separate important ideas in the text from incidental details.帮助学生区分课文中的主要观点和次要内容。So much for the explanation of the text. Now let's retell it.课文就解释到这里,现在让我们复述课文We formed groups, and discussed the text together.我们分组一起讨论课文Children vary considerably in the rate at which they learn these lessons.孩子们学习这些课文的速度大不相同。The text is filled with inaccuracies.这篇课文谬误百出。Our teacher drilled the lesson into our heads.老师通过反复练习使我们牢牢掌握课文He annotated the text at several places.他在课文里加了几处注释。The text was slanted towards younger readers.这篇课文偏向较年轻的读者。The teacher explained the text sentence by sentence.教师逐句讲解了这篇课文I'll read the text aloud first.我先朗读一下课文Under the old system pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons parrot-fashion.在旧体制下,学生常常得立正站好,机械地重复课文He read the text carefully, noting down the queries to be resolved later.他仔细地阅读了课文,记下了疑难问题待以后解决。The child couldn't comprehend the text.这孩子不懂该课文的含义。The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.这位教师用图片来讲解课文The little boy recited the text pat.那小男孩流利地背诵了这篇课文This is an unlearned lesson.这课课文没学过。Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text.课文里配有很多彩色插图。




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