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词汇 Director
例句 The Director read through my report, and looked suitably impressed.主管看完了我的报告,似乎感到满意。Within six years of joining the company he was Managing Director.他进公司不到六年就当了总经理。As Managing Director, I am responsible for the day-to-day management of the company.我作为执行董事,负责公司的日常管理工作。He will be giving his farewell concert as Music Director.他将在离任音乐总监前举行一场告别音乐会。She replaced Jane Stott as Managing Director.她取代简・斯托特当了总裁。He recently vacated his post as Personnel Director.他最近辞去了人事主管一职。We're pleased to announce that Mr. Schmidt will be taking over as Executive Director.我们很高兴地宣布施密特先生将接任执行董事一职。He is now Director of the Maritime Transport Bureau.他现在是海上交通局的局长。When the Director is away, her deputy is in charge.经理不在时由其副手来负责。Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Human Resources Director.如需查询请先人力资源主管联系。The Director however reposed his faith in strong political and economic fundamentals of the country.然而董事寄望于国家强有力的政治经济大政方针。I asked to see the Director.我要求见主任。Director Jane Campion's latest film, which stars Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel, was one of the highlights of the New York Film Festival.导演简·坎皮恩的最新影片是这次纽约电影节的亮点之一。主演这部影片的是凯特·温斯莱特和哈维·凯特尔。According to protocol, he first reported to the Director of the hospital.根据礼节,他先向医院院长报到。His title is Assistant to the Director, but he's really just a glorified errand boy.他美其名曰是主任助理,但实际上只是一个小当差的。Calvin Schultz is our Marketing Director.卡尔文·舒尔茨是我们的市场部主任。The Director didn't stand on her dignity; she helped clear up after the party.主管没有摆架子,聚会后她帮着一起收拾东西。The Managing Director said that the company was determined to glocalize when entering the Indian market.董事经理说在进入印度市场时,公司将致力于全球本土化。The Director thought a good deal of him.主任对他评价很高。He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director.他最近辞去了国民保健署人事主管一职。Bailey will succeed Fuller as Director of Operations.贝利将接替富勒任营运董事。I see they're advertising for a new Sales Director.我看到他们登广告招聘新的销售主管。The Director of Studies tied me up in knots by asking tricky questions.教务主任问了一些很难回答的问题,把我弄得头昏脑胀。Lydia is the assistant to the Director of Finance.莉迪娅是财务总监的助理。The Director indicated a small table, where the items were on display.董事指着一张上面摆放着物品的小桌子。I have been relieved of my position as Artistic Director.我被免去了艺术总监的职位。Phone up and ask to speak to the Director.打个电话,就说要找主任。He decided to delay his departure until after he'd seen the Director.他决定等到见过董事才走。She is personal assistant to the Managing Director.她是总经理的私人助理。




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