例句 |
They had mowed down the long grass in the field.他们已经把田地里的长草割掉。Machine guns mowed down the attackers.机关枪扫灭了进攻者。The soldiers were mowed down by machine guns.士兵们被机枪扫射杀死。He burst through the revolving door and mowed down a couple of shoppers.他冲出旋转门,撞倒了几名顾客。The soldiers were mowed down by fire from the enemy's guns.士兵们被敌军砲火扫杀殆尽。The car mowed down four pedestrians.汽车撞倒了四名行人。He was mowed down by gunmen after being lured from his home.他被诱出家门后,惨遭歹徒枪杀。 |