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词汇 moving in
例句 The convoy is moving in the direction of the capital.护送车队正朝首都方向前进。They are moving in a pincer movement to cut the republic in two.他们正展开钳形攻势,要把该共和国一分为二。Check that everything is in good repair before moving in, as you have to replace breakages.在搬进来前查看一下屋里的东西是否都完好无损,因为以后破损的物件要由你来更换。We had to keep moving in order to keep warm.我们只得不停地活动,以保持身体暖和。Every part was moving in perfect harmony.每一部分都在完全协调地运作。Forces were moving in on the town of Knin.军队正向克宁镇进逼。A few leaves were moving in the wind.几片树叶随风摇摆。The trains were moving in opposing directions. 两列火车朝着相反的方向行驶。At least things are moving in the right direction now.至少情况正在向正确的方向发展。The runners had closed up and were moving in a tight little pack.赛跑选手们靠得很紧,挤成一团在跑。The negotiations seem to be moving in the right direction.谈判好像正在朝着正确的方向发展。It began just in the usual way, I mean, a pick-up in a pub, and then his moving in with me.开始的时候和往常一样,也就是说,首先是在酒吧搭讪,然后他就搬来和我同居了。He discerned a vessel moving in the far distance.他看到一条船在很远地方航行。A number of competitors are moving in on our sales territory.许多竞争对手正要介入我们的销售领域。We're moving in next week.我们下周搬进来。The talks between the labor union and workers seem to be moving in reverse.工会与工人们的商谈好像愈谈愈糟。I think that the trade agreement is moving in the right direction.我认为贸易协议的商讨正在朝正确的方向发展。He saw something moving in the shadows.他看到有东西在暗处移动。Shh! I can see someone moving in the bushes.嘘!我看到灌木丛里有人在动。Make sure the machine's wheels are moving in phase with each other.要确保机器的轮子同步运转。They're moving in next week.他们下周搬进去住。These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory: the lucrative cosmetic contracts.黑人模特正逐步涉足曾是白人主宰的领地:签约获利丰厚的化妆品行业。We are moving in on the enemy-held village.我们正向敌人占领的村庄逼进。On moving in they threw a huge house-warming party.他们一搬来就举办了一个盛大的乔迁聚会。The men struck out for/toward their campsite when they saw the storm clouds moving in.这些男人看到暴风云笼罩过来时,就朝露营地走去。The lion was moving in for the kill. 那头狮子正在靠近猎物,准备发动致命攻击。Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold.政府军正向叛军的据点逼近。Management is moving in a new direction.管理正朝一个新的方向发展。With the dark clouds moving in, rain seems more like a probability than a possibility.乌云滚滚而来,似乎极有可能会下雨。Criminals have been moving in on the taxi business for some years.几年来犯罪分子一直在插手出租车生意。Don't get any ideas about moving in with me.别妄想搬进来和我一起住。The first of the year Peter did well in school, but then he started moving in reverse.学年之始彼得成绩很好,但后来就开始倒退了。They ran together, their legs moving in unison.他们步调一致地一起跑。We could barely make out some figures moving in the mist.我们只能勉强看到一些人影在雾里移动。The plan should boost employment and get things moving in the economy.这个计划应该能够促进就业,推动经济的发展。The lion was moving in on its prey.狮子正向猎物逼近。Important changes are moving in on the coal industry.重大变革正在影响着煤炭工业。Her political opponents believe that she can be defeated, and they are moving in for the kill.她的政敌们认为可以击败她,正步步紧逼要置她于死地。There's a storm moving in from the ocean.暴风雨从海上袭来。The weatherman reports a high moving in.气象员报告有高气压向本地区推进。




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