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词汇 diplomacy
例句 He exhibited remarkable diplomacy by not pointing out her mistakes.他不指出她的缺点,显得非常圆滑。She urged the leaders to pursue diplomacy.她敦促领导人寻求外交手段。The understanding between the two countries came about through quiet diplomacy.这两个国家通过秘密外交达成了谅解。It took all her tact and diplomacy to persuade him not to resign.她使出所有计谋和手腕劝说他不要辞职。The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.几个世纪以来否决权一直是外交上惯用的手段。Prince Sadruddin lavished praise on Britain's contributions to world diplomacy.萨德鲁丁王子大力赞扬英国对世界外交作出的贡献。I thought you showed great diplomacy in dealing with him.我认为你在跟他打交道的过程中显得极为得体练达。His sudden plunge into the field of international diplomacy is a major surprise.他突然投身国际外交界是一大意外。Trying to get the divorced couple to agree calls for a great deal of diplomacy.要使这对离婚夫妇达成一致需要处事极为圆通。We will continue to seek solutions to the problems of this region through multilateral diplomacy.我们将继续通过多边外交来寻求解决这一地区的问题。As talks between the leaders broke down, several months of careful diplomacy were unravelled.由于领导人之间的会谈破裂,几个月精心策划的外交努力付诸东流。Kerry's willingness to try diplomacy holds out at least a hope of making progress.克里愿意尝试交际手段,这至少是能取得进展的一线希望。The job requires tact and diplomacy.这项工作需要机智以及交际手腕。This is a situation that calls for tactful diplomacy.这种情况需要的是圆滑的手腕。The king stands in the wings, oiling the wheels of diplomacy.国王在幕后促使外交活动顺利进行。She handled the awkward situation with her usual quiet diplomacy.她以惯常的不喜张扬的策略应付了尴尬局面。Tom showed diplomacy in being very helpful at home the day he wanted to use the car.汤姆在想用汽车的那一天帮助家里做了不少事,显得很圆滑。The special envoy handled the delicate situation with diplomacy.这位特使用外交手腕处理了这一微妙的局势。Full marks for honesty, perhaps, but a fail for diplomacy.也许其诚实值得称道,但在处理人际关系方面却是个失败。The time for checkbook diplomacy is over.金钱外交的时代结束了。She has had a long and distinguished career in diplomacy.她长期从事外交工作,成绩斐然。It was a tricky situation that called for a lot of diplomacy.这种情况很难应付,需要许多策略。With such an initiation into diplomacy he took up his post as consul in Paris.凭着这一手涉足外交活动的入门经验,他担任了驻巴黎领事的职务。We must try and resolve this situation through diplomacy rather than conflict.我们必须力争通过外交而不是冲突来解决这一局面。He is giving a lecture on international diplomacy.他正在作关于国际外交的演讲。The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy.瑞典人通过秘密的外交手段来争取他的自由。He was an interesting and intelligent man who had starred the field of Chinese diplomacy.他是个风趣聪颖的人,为中国外交界增色不少。The government avoided a war by successfully resolving the issues through diplomacy.政府通过外交方式成功解决了这一问题,避免了战争。Sanctions and coercive diplomacy have failed.制裁措施和高压外交已经失败。There's a familiar rule that diplomacy works best when backed by the threat of force.有一条大家都熟悉的定律:以武力威胁为后盾的外交最有效。He sometimes lacked diplomacy.他有时不够圆滑。The way forward in this situation is by diplomacy and negotiation.在这种情况下要取得进展需要讲究点手腕,要进行商谈。She would always smooth over problems with great tact and diplomacy.她总是能用技巧圆滑地解决难题。You will need to use a great deal of diplomacy.你将需要使用大量的交际手段。Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.露丝犹豫了一下,不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。All attempts at diplomacy have broken down and the two states now appear to be on a collision course.所有的外交努力都失败了,现在两国发生冲突似乎在所难免。America's present need is not heroics, but calm diplomacy.美国当前需要的不是逞英雄,而是冷静的外交。The foreign secretary is reported as saying that force will have to be used if diplomacy fails.报道称,外交大臣表示如果外交努力不能奏效将不得不使用武力。He stormed off in a fury, and it took all Minnelli's powers of diplomacy to get him to return.他愤然离去,米内利使出了浑身解数才把他劝了回来。His skilful / skillful diplomacy has secured new European allies.他巧妙的外交手段拿下了新的欧洲盟友。




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